To his defense he done everything, he had planned and plotted, tried to create scenarios and even light the room with them fairy lights she loved so much. But nothing, nope nothing at all.

He sighs, what does it take to get a kiss around here?

I mean that's all he wanted, a kiss and maybe some makeout session. Not that he is only attracted physically but well he wants to hold her in his arms, touch her, caresss that beautiful soft skin of hers. But seems like she wants to play too hard to get. And Aditya is done now.

He seems to be getting no were.

So, when last night after putting up all them yellow lights and still getting teased by her he decided, not anymore.

He went away ignoring her hoping she will give in, because well two can play game too?? Yess.

And he felt like he was winning as he left the home for office. He had successfully avoided contact with her, not really paying any attention and not even giving her a forehead kiss like he does always. Although, he had almost given her one out of habit.

So after the pout clearly visible on her face, he was sure he was going right.

But what he wasn't expecting was for her to come to office. Not that is of any surprise, she is the boss here while he is just a partner. So that wasn't the surprising factor. What he didn't expect was for her to look this sensuous today.

And he clearly knows she is doing this on purpose. To get back to him for being ignorant to her earlier. He knew it the moment she stepped into the office and his doubt was only confirmed when she had walked right past him, brushing her fingers slightly with his, like a touch of feather while going to her office without even looking at him.

He catches her eyes before tearing away quickly looking at the laptop screen in front of him.

He too knows the game, he mutters determined not to go down that easily.

By  lunch both of them get busy planning another function. Both of them busy with their teams coming up with ideas for the venue and all such things, hardly having the time for their own little game.

It's at lunch when things begin to get uncontrollable. Aditya is standing in an empty room adjacent to the cafeteria. He had come down with some of his employees for lunch as Zoya had gone on location. He figured he would spend some time and eat with them, since he couldn't eat with her.

He very much wanted to go to her, but he knew that would mean he will loose. So he stayed put in the office completing his work instead and then went with others.

One of his client had called in the middle of his having lunch and it was not a call he would ignore. So he had excused himself going to another room to attend it. And for the last fifteen minutes he was busy with the conversation. He was standing facing the window one hand holding his phone while other in his pocket,as he took in the calm blue sky while discussing the finance.

So it kind of surprised him when a soft hand took hold of his fingers and then the hand glided up his arms to his elbow. Knowing who it is he had grab the hand instantly pulling the person from behind him to face him.

Zoya had whirled around gasp leaving her lips as she stood right infront of him. She smiled at him quite mischievously before pulling her hand out of his.

He merely raised his eyebrow in question as she backed up taking a seat on the table kept in the corner, before taking a bowl and began eating noodles. Aditya's eyes roamed along her not having seen that box there before.

He looked back up at her , his eyes quickly moving away from her bare stomach visible through the transparent material she had worn, only to come face to face with that smirk on her lips as she took in her bite.

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