[Eng] Chapter 22: Queen Loosing?

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It was dinner time and as usual everyone were having their dinner quietly. Until....

"Rajkumari Tejaswini-jee," called Tia with a very sweet voice.

"Yes, Rani-sa? " Tejaswini politely replied with a fake smile.

"I heard you are married," Tia said, causing Jai to choke on his food.

Tejaswini looked like a deer caught in headlights. Jai looked at her with widened eyes.

"So where's your husband? Didn't he come? Will he come later?" Tia asked innocently.

"Yes, Teju di, Jiju-sa didn't come? We haven't met him yet," said Gayatri.

Now everyone was curious to know about Tejaswini's husband. She looked at Rana Jai for once but shifted her gaze to Tia almost immediately.

"He...He won't come. He's....busy," she stuttered to say.

"Oh, okay," Tia nodded and continued having her food.

"Excuse me," Tejaswini excuses herself and leaves.

Tia smiled for her victory.

Tia: 5+1 || Tejaswini: 1


Fed up tossing and turning in bed, after a while, Tia gave up and sat straight. She turned to Priya's side to check on her but she was in deep slumber. She checked her phone and it showed 2 am in the midnight.

"I am feeling very very hungry!" she whines holding her stomach, "By now even the kitchen staff must be asleep... What do I do... Even Priya is sleeping as if there's no tomorrow!" she thought.

Getting up from the bed, tying up her hair in a bun, she exited the room.


She went to the kitchen and found a ice-cream box in the fridge. She served some ice-cream in a bowl for her and left the kitchen. She thought of relishing her meal in the backyard.

When she stepped outside, she could hear some weeping sounds. Curiously, she looked around for the source of the sound. After a bit, she saw Arjun's arms wrapped around Tejaswini while she wept.

"Arjun?" Tia called out almost in a whisper.

But since it was midnight and everything around was silent, her whisper could easily be heard by Arjun and Tejaswini.

Hearing her voice, they broke the hug and stood apart.

"Rani-sa... " Arjun turned around immediately and was completely alerted.

"Sorry... " wiping her tears, Tejaswini immediately rushed out of the place.

Tia couldn't believe what her eyes just witnessed.

Tia: 5 || Tejaswini: 1+50

"Rani-sa, it's not what you are thinking. I can explain," Arjun panicked.

"Arjun..." her voice was very calm, "You don't need to explain me anything. I know my limits, I know I don't have any rights to question you. And don't worry, I won't even ask you anything. Tomorrow if you want to leave me and start a new life with Tejaswini, even then I won't say anything," she smiled.

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