[Eng] Chapter 18: Tejaswini-BlastFromPast

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Tia was reading a book when Gayatri barged into the room.

"Bhabi-sa!!" Gayatri cried flopping down on the bed.

"Awwllee, what happened to my Gayu?" Tia said keeping the book on the bedside table, "Why are you crying?"

"Bhabi-sa, it's Rakshabandhan tomrrow! But I haven't got the special Rakhi for him yet! "

"Yes, so what's to cry in this?"

"The matter is that I forgot! And now I can't even buy one at this time of night. What should I do...." rested her head on Tia's shoulder.

"That's it?" Tia patted on Gayatri's cheek. "Wait, I will solve your problem right away!"

She got down from the bed and went to the cupboard.

"By the way, Gayatri, how is Rakshabandhan celebrated here?", asked Tia while rummaging in her cupboard.

"Close relatives and friends come. As for example....my friends, Dad's friends, relatives and important business relatives."

"Found it!" Tia took out a wooden box and went back to Gayatri.

"What is this, Sister-in-law?" asked Gayatri curiously looking at the wooden rectangular box.

Tia opened the box. There were some thick threads and needles and other stuff.

"Now we are going to make the Rakhis!" Tia squealed happily.

"WE will make it? But why?"

"Don't you want a SPECIAL rakhi? If you make it yourself, it will definitely be special!"

"Do you know how to make it?"

"Yes, I myself used to make it always," Tia's voice became low as her mind went across the memory lane.

"For whom did you make them? Do you have a brother?"

Tia's smile faded and she got thinking.

"Bhabi-sa," Gayatri shook her lightly, "Where are you lost?"

"Noth...thing," Tia tried to smile again. "Did you ever make it before?"

This time Gayatri turned sad, "I never got the person from whom I was supposed to learn all these stuff..." Gayatri sniffed.

In her 6 months of being a part royal of this family, Tia had come to know about the death of Arjun and Gayatri's mother, Late Maharani Kadambari Devi. She and her friend, the Queen of Pathancot Late Maharani Meerabai were on a flight to Mumbai to attend an art exhibition. But God had some other plans.... The flight crashed down near Mumbai with 250 passengers and crew on board. Gayatri was just 10 years old at that time.

"I am here now, your sister-in-law," Tia caressed Gayatri's hair lovingly and wiped the tears which were forming in her eyes.

Gayatri smiled and wiped her tears properly and composed herself.

"How do we make it??" asked Gayatri excitedly.

They spent their evening making rakhis for Rakshabandhan.

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