"You will soon be the Overlord of the Ghost Realm, and in time the Heavenly Lord of the Celestial Palace.  Both roles require dedication to the people, commitment, honour and righteousness.  There can be no mistakes and certainly no mischief." he said with a twinkle in his eye which confused him.

"Therefore, fill that womans belly and keep it full so I don't have to run around undoing any mischief she might cause." he said straight faced and dead serious.

Popping from his head, Ye Huas eyes then glimmered into crescent moons as laughter took him.  "You're asking me to get her pregnant?" he asked in disbelief because it was so unexpected, that he almost choked on his words.

"No I am not asking.  That is a direct order." he said slapping his shoulder one more time before leaving him standing in the poppy field where they had ended up. laughing his head off.

Eventually he returned to his little home and a wife who was still hiding from him, though his energy did detect that she was now awake.

Making his way to the hearth, he stood facing it with his back ramrod straight and his hands behind his back.

"Qian Qian.  Shifu has ordered you out of there, he would like you to fulfill a request." he said in a no nonsense tone, one she had already learned held a very sharp smack to her bottom if she did not obey.

Hearing the rustling coming from inside of the flue, a smile grew as a spray of soot and dust fell like rain before a very dirty ball of fur fell along with it.  At his feet, the messy bundle looked up at him fluttering her lashes innocently and somewhat fearfully.

"Return to Human form." he ordered keeping the tone firm and stern, his face back to being masked and strict which he had to be if she was to obey.

Unfurling, the Foxes fur gave way to her human form before looking up at her husband expectantly.

"Good.  Come with me." he said before firmly taking her hand and leading her out of the house.

"Am I in trouble with Shifu Ye Hua?" she asked almost running beside him as his long strides forced her into a quick pace.

"Not yet." he replied with a quick glance her way, one that soon had her struggling to get out of his grasp.  It was a look she knew all too well.

"You lied!  Shifu doesn't have a request for me." she squealed as that low rumbling growl had her biting her tongue.

Into the poppy field they went until they were standing right in the middle where he had first met her true form, a place he returned to regularly.

"I did not lie Qian Qian." he said before a sudden flare of his hand saw them both standing completely naked and not only were her clothes sent back to the house, but Ye Huas raging erection was twitching in the breeze as she gaped open mouthed at him.

Spinning her around, he forced her upper half down until her face was between her knees.  It was not done swiftly, but firmly and purposefully, with just enough force to have her mind unravelling quickly.

"Shifu has ordered that I fill your belly.  So I'm afraid, we have no choice but to obey his command." Ye Huas husky voice growled long and low as he forced his rock hard shaft into her tight opening.

"Wha.....  Wait.... Wha...." she cried out before his pounding thrusts and low Dragon growl took over anything else she had to say.

When it came to making love with Ye Hua, Bai Qian also learned that there was no predictability.  He liked variety, spontaneity and taking risks, which was just as well, because she too was just as naughty as he was.

The Jade Dagger of KunlunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz