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"I am Mo Yuan of Kunlun Mountain." he said quickly before the boys father attacked.

His fist was in midair ready to strike, and the mother was struggling to get herself to her feet while gathering the remains of her dress into a tight bundle against her chest.  And for a split second Mo Yuan expected that fist to make contact, the anger in the mans eyes along with the fear was all he could see.

In mid air his fist came to a halt.  It was only half an arms length away from his face, but in those few seconds, Mo Yuan watched as disbelief and anger became recognition.  He too had thought he was looking at his own son, but when it registered that Mo Yuan was a look alike, he then watched the fist slowly fall heavily at the mans side while the mother moved towards him.

And like the elder from the cave, she too placed her head against his chest and breathed his scent in deeply before recoiling back in horror to stare at him dumbstruck.

"You are not Ye Hua." her soft and almost musical voice said gently before she fell back against her husband who caught her deftly in his arms.

"The War God?" he asked staring at him from head to toe.  

"Yes.  I came to find you.  Will you talk with me, there is much you need to learn and your son Ye Hua is the main issue I have come to speak to you about." he said before looking around.

They were far away from the border, so he did not expect the Ghost Tribe warriors to be anywhere near them, but they were out in the open and easy targets for any of their men who might be lingering close-by.

"My son?  You know my son?  Where is he?" the mother whose name he now knew as Li Li asked as her eyes darted in every direction, however her husbands eyes remained firmly fixed on him.

"Why don't we find a safer place to talk." he said bringing both of their minds back to the what they had just escaped from.

The clearing wasn't all that large, surrounding them was the forest on all four sides, so choosing the area that was closest to their own caves, he led them both straight into the deep foliage until they reached a stream that split their side of the Forest with the larger Tribes,  Then a short walk led them to a set of boulders which hid them on three sides and where they could also light a campfire without being seen.

By the time Mo Yuan had a fire roaring, both parents had calmed down enough to settle themselves before him.  Opening the small pack he carried over his shoulder, he removed the rice balls he was saving and shared them out before settling himself to what would be a night long conversation and a revelation for both parents which he hoped would yield a much more satisfactory reaction than what he had received from their elders.

Beginning with introductions, Mo Yuan learned the fathers name was Duyi and the mother Li Li, though her name was a shortened form which no one used and seeing as she was now no longer searching the forest with fearful eyes, Mo Yuan began the discussion with the whereabouts of their son.

"He has been with me for a few years now and is currently training his inner Dragon in order to return.  I wasn't entirely sure as to why exactly he came to Kunlun seeking tutelage, but I had an idea it was to do with the two of you and your people." he said which had Duyi raising his hand to question him.

"If he has been with you that long, then why did you not seek us out earlier?  Surely you must have thought it odd for a lone boy to arrive on your Mountain without elders or even a friend to speak for him?  No child roams the land without a history." he said sternly, and though there was no anger in it, Mo Yuan could see that they were both trying to understand the situation, and more so what they saw as Mo Yuans lack of consideration for Ye Huas family.

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