An Outing to Remember

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Since that morning, Ye Hua threw himself into his studies with a very clear goal in his mind.  That being, learn everything and anything, then return home and save his family.  It was a simple plan, but in his mind it did not need a whole lot of unnecessary detail or planning, but he fully focused on it.  Not only did his brothers see an enormous change in his attitude after his talk with Si Yin but so did Mo Yuan.

He more respectful,  he attended every lesson even joining in on class discussions and activities and when spoken to, he gave full detailed answers while at the same time questioning everything he did not understand until he did.  Though he did not approach him on their twinship, Mo Yuan was happy to leave things as they were.  If his brother was happy as he was, then so be it, he was just happy to have him and the chance to build a relationship with him until a day came when they could sit down and talk properly.

Though Si Yin did not change.  He spent most days in detention writing lines for his endless mischief.  One of which earned him a month of laundry duties for breaking into every bed chamber and swapping around the Disciple Robes so no one had a robe that fit him properly including Ye Hua. 

 The sight of his brothers walking out of their chambers the following morning with their robes either up around their knees or trailing the floor around their feet had him hysterics and the laughter only rose when they tried to chase him down, many of them tripping over the cloth.  Had Mo Yuan not shown up when he did, Si Yin would have been beaten senseless. 

Not only did his punishment take up every minute of his spare time, but he also missed out on the Summer Festival, the first time in his life he had ever missed it.

But the main punishments were for sleeping or disappearing from class altogether, though he was always there for every meal which became a bit of joke among his Disciple brothers.

"Si Yin, if you don't stop eating, we won't be able to take you with us when go to the Mortal Realm next week, no cloud will be able to hold you." Zi Lan teased him gently.

"The Mortal Realm?  Why are we going there?" he asked excitedly while completely missing the small jab at his weight, which wasn't actually a problem.

"Seriously Seventeen, if you paid more attention to class activities instead of your stomach you would know why." Die Feng chided him gently which brought on a round of laughter from his brothers and a pout from him.

"But it's so boring." he groaned as his head hit the table having already lost interest in the conversation.

"Then I guess you don't want to come with us to offer our pearls of wisdom to the Mortals then." Zi Lan laughed at him.

Raising his head to look at him blankly only brought on another round of laughter.

"What a shame.  And here I was thinking all that time in the Magic Halls could be put to good use.  Or was divination not a part of your lessons?" Cheng Bao asked nudging him with a wink.

"Divination?  We're going to give them divination?" his head suddenly shot up along with his brows and the biggest grin they had ever seen.

"So there is something more interesting than your stomach!" Ye Hua threw at him laughing earning him a grunt in return.

"Yes divination, it is something we offer them from time to time.  But if you want to come, then you are going to have to behave yourself." Die Feng warned him lightly, but he knew he meant it.

Excited to be finally doing something fun, Si Yins eyes lit up brilliantly.  "I'll be good Senior.  I'll listen in class and I'll even join in on class discussions.  I'll talk so much you won't believe what wise shit..... I mean wise words comes out of my mouth." he said wide eyed, and clutching his small clenched fists tightly to his chest in excitement.

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