A Princess's Story 1

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By the time they got Ye Hua and Bai Qian back to Kunlun Mountain where the Divine Energy could stabilize their bodies, Mo Yuan was near collapse. Exhausted and saddened by the death of Ye Huas parents whose bodies were also brought back with him, he sat at his brothers bedside to rest while Ye Hua remained under a tightly controlled slumber which Zhe Yan placed him under.

Bai Qian too was in her own chamber resting. Though she had given her Heart Blood, she was not in any discomfort. Bai Zhi was able to heal her pierced heart easily with a little Fox Clan magic which closed the cut, but she would always carry a scar.

She too was forced into slumber while the rest of the world dealt with the aftermath of the battle that unfortunately not only saw far too many deaths, but it destroyed large tracts of land which Mo Yuan knew he would have to answer to. And because so little information was available as to who Li Li actually was, or how the ring and Dagger ended up with Ye Hua, his mind was in turmoil.

The battle had ended two days before, and other than bathing and donning fresh robes, he had not done much with his time. Instead he remained at Ye Huas side the entire time, even taking his meals beside him while lightly dozing in the soft cushioned seat Die Feng had dragged into the chamber for him

He still had no idea who Li Li really was, or what she meant by the Ring containing a piece of his brothers soul. If this was true, then he absolutely could not destroy it, but whatever she meant by that, there was still the fact that she had been able to claim the ring. And that meant she had to have been of the Ghost Clan because she certainly wasn't of his Heavenly Line and nor was she of the Foxes, but as there was no one left to answer the questions, Mo Yuan was not sure how they would get the answers, because Li Yuan was also dead and he was the last remaining member of the Ghost Clans Royal Line. Or was he? he wondered as he looked down at the large book he was holding onto very tightly.

It had suddenly appeared in Ye Huas hands the moment they had returned to Kunlun Mountain. Leather bound and addressed to his brother, Mo Yuan hesitated in opening it. He did not normally read his Disciples correspondence, but because of the events they had just left behind and the untold questions that needed answering, he was very tempted to open it. Sealed shut, the book was impossible to open without breaking it, but what struck him was the unusual design of the seal because though very beautiful, it looked to be handmade. In the shape of a poppy, the red wax gave seemed to give it life, and for a moment, he actually thought it was a real poppy.

Stirring beside him, Ye Huas eyes opened briefly before closing again. They had been back for almost two days, and Zhe Yan had said he was due to awaken so quickly placing the large volume on the stand beside the bed, Mo Yuan leaned in over his brother who was trying his best to let the sleep go.

"Ye Hua, you have been injured, so do not force yourself to awaken too quickly." Mo Yuans soft voice said as he watched his brothers chest rise and fall with strong even breaths. The colour had fully returned to his cheeks and other than a small scar over his heart, the rest of his battle wounds had healed away completely. In fact, the extra cultivation had healed every scar he had gained from his training, he looked almost too perfect, Mo Yuan thought as the eyes once again opened and this time remained so.

Turning to look at him, Ye Huas face registered confusion as if he was trying to remember where he was and what had happened. Saying nothing, Mo Yuan allowed him all the time he needed to bring the battle back to mind. It returned in fragments, but the memory of his battle with Qing Cang eventually brought the rest back. But his last memory of Qian Qian stabbing her heart suddenly had him sitting bolt upright.

Terror filled his eyes along with a river of tears that fell like rain. If Mo Yuan wasn't so worried about him, he might have taken a few moments to admire his ability to go from dead calm to hysterical in a second.

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