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Requested by: BreeStar3

Finally together again. Abi had really missed Jack, when they were finally brought back to one another they couldn't help but embrace each other and soak in every moment. Abi was very worried about her brave, thrill-seeking boyfriend. 

After everyone was all patched up and they had all eaten, Abi and Jack went to the couch and caught up. 

"Abi, I missed you. A lot." Jack said holding her hand in his. 

"I missed you too." Abi said leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Anything exciting happen while I was gone?" Jack asked.

"Not much, just hanging out with Tanner and Grace. I missed you guys so much that I jumped at the chance to come and see you guys."

"Too bad you came and had to take everyone's pain away." Jack said with a sigh.

"It's okay, actually I wish I would've come from the beginning. Then I could've helped take away everyone's pain in the moment."

"No way, you could've been killed. You had great timing anyway. You knew we needed you." 

Abi looked up to Jack and kissed him. 

"You need a hair cut." Abi said breaking the kiss and running her fingers through his hair that has grown to below his ears.

"Oh, do I now?" Jack said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, it's getting out of control." 

"Well why don't you give me one."

"Okay!" Abi said leaping up and getting scissors. 

Jack got up and sat in a smaller chair. Abi started to snip hair away. 

"What style are you going for?" Jack asked not wanting to look bald by the end of this.

"I'm going for a young Zayn Malik. With the swoosh in the front."

"Young who?" Jack said with a face that said 'what the heck are you talking about?'

"One direction?"

"You just do it and if I hate it we can just buzz it." Sticking his tongue out at her.

"You won't hate it." Abi said playfully offended.

After she finished, Jack looked into the mirror and started laughing.

"What? Why are you laughing? It looks just like I meant for it to."

"You wanted me to look like I'm in a boyband?" Jack said still laughing.

"One Direction was a boyband, you dumb dumb. Also I thing you look good like that." Abi said punching him in the arm.

"I guess I don't look too terrible. Why don't we go see what the others think?" Jack said.

They went to the living room area were Michael, Taylor, McKenna, Ostin, and Ian were.

"Guys what do you think?" Abi asked motioning to Jack. 

The guys immediately started laughing which made Jack blush with embarrassment.

The girls, however, said "Ooooh looks good."

"Yeah, it looks hot." Taylor said.

Michael's jaw dropped.

"Abi I'm up next!" Michael said sprinting to the chair goofily.

"Oh my gosh." Taylor said shaking her head and laughing.

Abi looked at Jack, "So are you keeping it or are we buzzing it?" 

"It, like you, is a keeper." Jack said with a smile.

Abi kissed his cheek and went to cut Michael's hair.

Later on Michael came out with a similar boyband hairstyle, but more like Niall Horan on the cover of his Flicker Album. (Believe it or not I actually don't know a lot of One Direction stuff. I just have the internet that gave me interesting hairstyles. haha) 

"oooooh." Taylor said jumping up and running her fingers through his new hair.

"Like?" Michael asked doing a model pose and expression.

"Love." Taylor said bursting out laughing.

"Abi, when did you get so good at cutting hair?" Jack said.

"I don't know, you were my first time doing it." Abi said with a smirk and skipping away.

"Hey what?" Jack said getting up to chase her.

When he caught up, he picked her up and they laughed and laughed until their stomachs ached. 

"I love you." Jack said.

This caught Abi off guard but she looked at a him and said, "I love you too."

"Thanks for coming here."

"Anytime." Abi said with a kiss.



(I sound like a commercial in November.)


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Michael Vey One Shots ⚡️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora