Ian's Date?

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Abi, McKenna and Ian were out getting dinner when a guy came over to Abi and asked "Hey you want to hang out some time?"

"No, I have a boyfriend."

He looked over to Ian. "This guy?" He asked as if shocked.

"No not 'this guy' but even if I was dating him I would be super lucky."  She shot back.

"Then why are all of y'all out for dinner?"

"We are all friends."

"Ok, well here's my number." He said, handing her a slip of paper.

McKenna took the piece of paper and lit it on fire.....with the candle on the table.

The guy walked away offended.

At the end of dinner a girl came over to Ian and said "Hey, what's your name. My name is Whitney, I heard that these lovely ladies are not your girlfriend so I thought I should come over and say 'Hi'. I think your eyes are cool."  She winked.

Ian oblivious of the flirting said "I'm Ian, nice to meet you, and it because I'm blind."

Abi and McKenna rolled their eyes at Ian's obviousness .

"Would you like to hang out sometime?" Whitney asked

"Sure. I can pick you up." Ian offered

"How will you do that you said you were blind?"

"Oh I can...... kinda see, and Abi or McKenna could come to help me." Ian said not realizing she was trying to ask him on a date.

McKenna whacked him on the head. "She's trying to ask you out, doofus!"

"Ow! Ohhhh." Ian said finally understanding.

Whitney standing there awkwardly started swaying back and forth.

"So is that a 'yes'?" She asked nervously

"I can go out with you." Ian said sheepishly

"Ok here's my number." Whitney said walking away.

Ian looked at it for awhile and finally said "She seems nice."

"Ian!" Abi and McKenna yelled at him.

"What!?" Ian said flinching.

"You can be so blind sometimes." Abi said rolling her eyes.

"I AM blind!" Ian yelled.

Michael Vey One Shots ⚡️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang