At Peace

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Requested by kendallfire123

The whole Electroclan was grieving the loss of their leader. Jack was isolating himself because he thought everyone he became good friends with we're going to die. Ostin wasn't talking about it but at night you could hear his quiet sobbing. But the worst was Taylor, she was mad, sad, and confused. She didn't want to come to believing that he was gone. She was broken.

Abi would try to cheer her up but Taylor didn't let Abi touch her. She had to feel something.

The Voice had told them to take their time and lay low so McKenna suggested watching a movie. Everyone agreed hoping for at least a moment they would forget about everything.

Taylor simply said "no" and walked to her room.

She laid on her bed and thought about her life up till that point; everything reminded her of Michael. She recalled when Michael came over and that he thought about how amazing she was....even though he was supposed to be thinking of a number.

She thought about cheerleading but then she remembered that one time all those jocks sat with Michael and Ostin and how nervous Michael was he was ticking like crazy. This memory made her smile for a second.

Thinking about all of this made her really tired but lately she hasn't slept well.

The next thing she knew she woke up. It was still dark?

Several hours after Taylor had gone back to sleep, she bolted up in bed, as if someone had woken her. Suddenly, in the dark room, there was a light floating above her, flickering like a projection. (Quoted)

She stared at it fearing if she blinked it would vanish. Once her eyes focused on the light she saw a familiar face.

"Michael?" She said

"Hey Taylor."

"I've missed you so much."

"I miss you too."

"I can't go on Michael. Not without you." Taylor wasn't moving a muscle

"You need to Taylor. I gave my life so you guys can save the world. And so I could save you. Don't give up, they need you. I know it's hard but you need to move on."

"How?!" She yelled with her eyes watering

"By remembering me, but also accepting that I'm gone."

"I can't."

"Yes you are. Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Taylor gave a weak laugh. "Did you just quote Winnie the Pooh?"

"Maybe. Now promise me."

"I promise."

"Good. I love you. I alway will love you."

"I love you too."

The light came down and tilted her chin up, he leaned down and kissed her.

She had missed this feeling. She had wanted to do this before he went onto the tower but he wouldn't because he knew it would hurt her. It was the most peaceful feeling. It was like Abi's power times a million.

It relaxed her so mush she fell asleep. And actually slept for the rest of the night.

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Hey y'all. I don't know if I'm going to continue on this one-shot book. Honestly I don't have the excitement to do it anymore. I still love Michael Vey but I don't know if I want to keep writing.

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