There's a Difference

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Requested by GalaxyUnicorn12435

Taylor spotted her boyfriend talking to Ostin when she snuck up on him .

"Hey Michael!" Said Taylor

"Oh! Hi Taylor! See ya later Ostin." He said jumping a little as Ostin went to find McKenna.

Michael turned to Taylor and pecked behind the earlobe.

"Why'd u do that?"

"I don't know." Michael smiled

"Whatever. I was you want to go and see a movie tonight?" Taylor asked

"Of course! I'd do anything as long as if it is with you." He said giving a wide smile

"Very cheesy today aren't you?" Said a passing Tara mockingly

"Ha. Ha. Thanks." Michael said sarcastically

"Just ignore her." Said Taylor trying to mask her annoyance

"What movie were you thinking about seeing?" Michael asked distracting her

"Um..I don't care but I made reservations at the new place down the street."

"Ok I'll look up some movies. See ya later."

Taylor waved and walked away.

-----Meeting up for date------

"Hey! I was wondering if you want to see the new movie 'Beauty and The Beast'?" Asked Michael while they walked to the restaurant.

"Sounds perfect."

They ate their dinner and when they got to the theater Michael paid for the tickets and popcorn when Taylor said "I'll be right back I'm going to use the bathroom."

"Ok." Said Michael putting butter on the popcorn.

When 'Taylor' exited Michael asked "You ready?"

"Yep!" She said

They went in and everything was normal until the ballroom scene. Michael leaned in and 'Taylor' did the same. But it was different. She seemed to want more and it was rough.

"STOP!" Said someone who had just entered

It was.....Taylor?

"Huh?" Said Michael pulling away

Everyone stared at the look alike.

"Get out of here Tara!" Said 'Taylor'

"Say what?!" Said Taylor

Michael looked between them.

"Michael stop her!" 'Taylor' said

"No! Stop her. I'm your girlfriend." Taylor said.

"What is going on?" Michael asked. He usually could tell the difference but he was too panicked.

"Tara snuck up on me in the bathroom and knocked me out."

"She is lying!" Said 'Taylor'

"Stop! Both of you."  Michael said

They stopped

"Stand next to each other." Michael said

They did.

"Now let me get a good look."

Michael observed both of the beautiful girls in front of him.

He went up to 'Taylor' and kissed her behind the earlobe.

Both girls seemed confused by this.

He did the same to the other girl.

Then wrapped his arms around the real Taylor and kissed her on the lips.

"What!? How'd you know?" Asked Tara

"Because after I kiss Taylor behind the earlobe her ear wiggles." Michael said proud he figured it out and that he noticed such detail.

"Ugh!" Said Tara

"Why did you do this?" Said Taylor

"Because Q broke up with me! He said he liked you. So I thought since you stole my boyfriend I'd steal your's."

"Well I didn't mean to do that."

"I know! But I like Michael too! Plus....he is a good kisser." Tara said with a wink

Michael suddenly looked uncomfortable.

"Yuck!" He thought.

Sorry Michael
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