Best Christmas Ever

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"Christmas is coming!" Ostin screamed with excitement.

"We know!" The Electroclan all said annoyed because Ostin kept saying this for the past 20 minutes.

It was Christmas Eve. They were all at a safe house enjoying some hot coco.

"Who wants to pull an all-nighter and watch a bunch of Christmas movies?" The whole Electroclan agreed. They watched 'Merry Christmas Charlie Brown', 'The Grinch that Stole Christmas.' and 'Home alone.' After a while they all eventually dosed off.


"It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" Ostin screamed waking everyone up.

"I say Michael should be Santa and hand out the gifts." Taylor announced.

Everyone agreed so Michael got up, put on the Santa hat and handed Abi a gift from McKenna. Inside was a new light blue sweater Abi wanted.

"Aww! Thanks!" She gave McKenna a hug.

"Next is for Ostin from Me." Michael said. It was a book full of advanced collage tests.

"Yes! Thanks! Bones." He said sticking his fist out. "Bones." Michael said hitting their fists together.

Once everyone gave gifts to each other it was time for the couples to trade gifts.

Abi gave Jack new boxing gloves which he loved. Jack gave a necklace to Abi that said "forever yours." Abi let a couple happy tears slip out. They hugged and watched McKenna and Ostin trade gifts.

"Here you go." McKenna said handing a box to Ostin. Inside there was a new button up shirt with a bow tie and a new calculator. After he thanked her she opened her gift. It was a gold bracelet. "Thanks Ostin." McKenna said.

Next was a gift to Zeus from Tessa. Zeus opened it up and there was an umbrella with lightning bolts on it. Everyone laughed Zeus said thank you and put it behind him. Tessa opened her's and it was a drawing of Tessa's mama back in the jungle. "How?" Tessa asked shocked. "I got Nichelle to draw it. You always describe her so I knew I had  to get it right. Tessa hugged Zeus and thanked him over and over.

At last Michael was given his gift from Taylor. She gave him a jacket since his had holes and burned spots. She also gave him a Captain America t shirt. He chuckled "thanks Taylor." She opened her gift. It was a scrapbook with many pictures of them from their dates. At the end there was a ring. "You better not propose." Taylor said at the verge of crying.

Michael grasped the ring in his hand. "I'm not. But this is a promise that if you will take me, one day we will get married and love each other till the end of time." Michael said. Taylor couldn't speak so she just nodded. He slipped it onto her finger and gave her a hug.

Best Christmas Ever.

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