See You Before Forever Ends

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Disclaimer: No powers

Taylor was sitting under a tree outside of school reading when McKenna ran up.

"Taylor! guess what!" McKenna said with an overwhelming amount of excitement

"McKenna! What?!" Taylor said mimicking her

"Well that was uncalled for." McKenna said disappointedly

"I'm sorry, what's the big news?"

"So my bestest friend, Abi, invited me to come to Ireland with her and her family for 3 months!"

Taylor was happy for McKenna, although a little disappointed that she was so excited to be leaving her. She thought she was McKenna's super close friend. These feelings confused Taylor because she didn't want to be selfish and tell McKenna how she felt because she wouldn't be as excited about her trip and making McKenna feel bad is the last thing she wanted to do.

"Taylor?" McKenna said snapping in front of Taylor's face

"What? Oh! Sorry, I'm super happy for you!" Taylor said as genuinely as she could

"Thanks! I gotta go and pack I'm leaving tomorrow!" She said skipping away

"Tomorrow?" Taylor sighed, stood up and walked home.

Later that evening Taylor was alone with her thoughts.

Taylor already felt as though she didn't deserve McKenna's friendship. She would always text her and feel as though she was being annoying. She at that moment vowed that she would give McKenna her space during her trip. She didn't need to be another thing for McKenna to have to put up with.

McKenna knew somewhat that Taylor felt this way but she didn't know the depth it had. Taylor was good at hiding her true feelings especially because in certain situations she pretended that she wasn't thus making people think she couldn't hide anything. Taylor loved McKenna as a best friend so she feared of hurting her. That's why she sometimes would distance herself away from McKenna.

"Why can't I just be better?" Taylor said exasperated

As if she knew McKenna texted.

(T = Taylor. M=McKenna)

M: Hey Tay, are you alright you seemed out of it today.

T: Hey, yeah I'm fine. I just want you to have an amazing trip. I promise not to annoy you while you're there.

M: Annoy me? Taylor, I love ya and I love talking to ya.

T: okay...umm you better be getting ready for your trip. Ttyl!

M: K, Bye Tay! Text ya soon!

"She's just being polite," Taylor thought. "she is just pitying the annoying person aka me."

Taylor deep down knew McKenna loved her and thought she was great but Taylor couldn't see how anyone could think she was great.

As she laid on her bed staring at the ceiling she said, "goodbye McKenna. See ya before forever ends. I wish you the best." And then she fell asleep.

Hey y'all, I'm sorta back. I'm not ending the book but I won't be updating on a set day. It'll be random. My life has kinda been going crazy. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy. Shock on my peeps.

Michael Vey One Shots ⚡️Where stories live. Discover now