Meeting Michael

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Requested by: rangel0905003 (Sorry it took so long)

Tessa ran away from the Elgen six months ago and now the chief says she is leaving?

"You must leave; with the boy that is here. It is your destiny."

"What about muchin?" (a/n this is what Tessa calls that woman in the jungle. Her 'mother')

"She will stay. You will go."

Tessa looked down. She was going to miss her family here.

"Start packing. You will leave soon. The boy awakened. I shall bring him to meet you soon."

Tessa started to pack but then got lost in memories. She finally came back to reality when she heard "Hung fa, Gwo lai!"

She exited the hut and saw a cute boy. She sensed his electricity and was drawn to it. He looked kind yet powerful.

"She is one of you." The chief said

"She's American?" The cute boy said

She took a step towards him, "It means I'm electric. Like you. You must be Michael."

After talking with him more Tessa found more and more to like about him. He was so sweet and when he got embarrassed he was adorable. He even likes my name. She didn't mind his Tourette's, she saw past that.

She was curious about the las electric child so she asked if he knew if the Elgen had found her.

Big mistake

"Taylor." He said

"Then you know her?" Tessa asked

"I know her." Michael said with a dreamily nod

Tessa's heart dropped a little. "You like her."

"Why do you say that?" He asked

"I can tell by the way you said her name."

He seemed to be embarrassed that he was so obvious. "She's my girlfriend."

"Where is she?"

"She's out in the jungle with the rest of the Electroclan."

"What's an Electroclan?" Tessa asked

"That's what we call ourselves. They're my friends. Ian, Abigail, and McKenna. Zeus."

Tessa was already upset that Michael had a girlfriend but now her ex is with them.

"Ugh." She thought

Aloud she said, "Zeus? You're with Zeus?"

"You know Zeus?"

Apparently he had come with them. That means Tessa had to see her ex pretty frequently...great. What a wonderful day she's having.

She put on a happy face and remember that she got to be with just him. At least for a little while. ;)

Hello people who probably hate me. I know I say this a lot but I apologize for not updating. I can't say they will be more frequent but I hope that I don't forget like I did these past few months.
Hope you enjoyed reading. Some of these scenes were taken straight from the book so credit to Richard Paul Evans.
Comment requests because that's the only thing that makes me update. Please don't be mad if I can't get to it right away.

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