Blind Love...(sry I'm cheesy)

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Requested by mach500 ! Hope you enjoy!

As Ian built up the courage to ask out his ex-enemy he shook with nervousness.

"H-Hey Nichelle."

"Hi Ian." She said full boredom

"I-I was wondering if you would like to go to get a slice of pizza?"

"Did you just ask me out?"

"Uh...depends what your answer is."

"I guess so, I'm hungry." She said getting up

"Wait! Right now?" Ian asked

"Yeah, come on." She said walking out the door

Ian quickly followed and they found a great place called Mellow Mushroom.

When they were seated Ian said "Man, it is crazy how they make pizzas! But table 3 should know that their cook just sneezed on the pizza..."

"What does the world look like to you?" Asked Nichelle seriously

"Well, kinda like x-rays."

"Can you see color?"

"Not really."

"That's cool I like black and white."

"I guess."

Just then their waiter came up and asked "What may I get you two for drinks?"

"I'd like a Coke." Said Nichelle

"Same here." Ian said

"Alrighty. I'll be back shortly." Said the waiter

When her came back he handed them their drinks and asked if they were ready to order.

"Uh, yes! I'd like a Pepperoni pizza." Said Ian

"Just cheese, please." Nichelle said

"Ok, they should be ready in about 15-20 minutes." He said walking away

"So Nichelle, how have you been?" Ian said trying to start a convocation

"Like death isn't coming fast enough." She said


"I'm kidding. I'm fine but I want to know why you asked me out?"

"Because I kinda like you." Ian blushed


"Ok fine, I do like you."

"Well I like you too."

"You do!?"

"Yeah." She smiled

While walking back home Ian asked "So...What are we now?"

"I don't know...maybe boyfriend and girlfriend?" She said looking at her feet

"Sounds great!" Said Ian taking her hand in his.

Thanks for reading!
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