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At the airport

"Alright we'll get their at 10:30 if they're no delays" Teahyung was looking at his watch "good so I can finally sleep" this time we all sat in one row. It was you,Jungkook, Jimin and Teahyung.

You where staring at down to the window,the beautiful grass lands never ended,the rivers flowing reminds you of when you where little your dad would take you to a clear river,every type of creature would go their for peace.

"You Okay?" You snapped our of it,you turned your head to Jungkook "yeah I'm fine,thank you" "Okay...Im here if you need anything" he grabbed your hand. You looked at him,his eyes scanning your face "seriously.okay we are here" you leaned your head in his shoulder "Okay,Thank you" you were so exhausted that was the least thing you remember.

"Hey wake up" you where shaken lightly "mmmm" you rubbed your eyes. "YOONGI" you jumped up and pulled him down and hugged him. He hugged you back "hey" he launched slightly,you pulled him back "I missed you" you looked into his red/brown eyes he smiled at you "me to princess" you noticed you where in your room,his body was warm,to warm,you put your hand in his forehead "your burning up" you sat up in the bed,you grabbed the hand that was bitten it was wrapped up "we need to cure this" "yeah,I have 6 hours left" "what" you got up fast "come on" you pulled him,but you where caught by his hand "It didn't work" "what are you talking about" your heart sank the moment he said the words,your stomach felt like your where punches and ran over at the same time. he looked at you "the remedy Purity gave you,it didn't work" Purity,he had betrayed you he could have gave you the wrong ingredients or remedy for that matter,you went to go sit by him in the bed "he betrayed me" "I knew it" he got up from the bed "where you going" "make the most of what I have left" your heart hurt "Come on" you grab his hand,he pulls you downstairs where the rest of the guys where.

"Wait,I can't...I cant just not do anything with you..your gonna die I won't let you I can't.and I won't" you let go of his hand,the guys where staring at you "but y/n it didn't work,we already talked about it..~" "BUT I DID NOT......I did not, I am not going to give up" emotions where starting to take over "PURITY...PURITY YOU SON OF A BITCH COME OUT" "no stop"Yoongi was trying to stop you "is that anyways to treat a friend" you turn around "You....YOU SON OF A BITCH....IM GOING TO RIP YOUR SPINE OUT" you ran after him catching him off guard.

Tackling Purity to the ground you put your hands around his neck and squeeze hard. "Y/N..GET OFF" Jungkook was trying to pull you off,but your where stronger than him at the moment your anger was taken over,all that was in your head was anger you wanted to kill,your muscles where tense,you felt out blood rushing through your body.

"Y/N!..if you kill him we won't get the right one..let go" arms where staring to wrap around you. "GET her off" Purity was starting to lose consciousness "god dammit" Yoongi went in front of you "princess listen to me,if you kill him know I will die for sure....let go" he cupped your face. You released the pressure from your hands Jungkook was still pulling so you ended up and the floor on top of him.

You stayed silent,you walked to the kitchen,pulled out some vodka and took a shot,you sat down your back facing them.

They where helping Purity,but they tied him up with this weird rope so he wouldn't vanish. You could hear him wince behind you,they where pulling up chairs. You where taking another shot "okay,easy their princess" Yoongi took the vodka away "hey I was drinking that" you got up and took it back,you turned your back to him placing the vodka on the counter.

He grabbed your waist and turned you around "yes but thats mine" he licks his lips scanning yours "and" you whisper in his ear. Tbh you where tipsy you had 5 shots in 3 minutes. He hold you by the waist he leans forward,his lips millimeters away from yours "your bad" he smirks "but I'm badder" he quickly pecks your lips,he grabs the bottle being slick "Hey,I was drink...." he kisses you. You push him back "whatever" you go,you could feel his smirk on his face.

"Alright we have 4hrs left,lets get cracking" Yoongi cracked his knuckles,Purity was tied up in a chair ropes around his wrist,his wrist where already red his neck as well,"you not gonna get anything out of me"

2hrs later

"Alright,alright" Purity aaa breathing hard,blood and sweat was running down his face and body. "Finally we have 2hrs left" you sigh,Jungkook had done most of the work,Yoongi had gotten too weak to even stand up,"how are you feeling?" You patted a wet towel on yoongis forehead "mmmm" he was sweating but he was shivering at the same time.

"Alright,say it then" Jungkook crossed his arms,"you just need the blood of the wolf,and feather of the injured,but you have to cut the feather in three and then put the blood in" Purity finally confessed.

"Yoongi can you expand? We need your feather" he was really weak "I don't know, I'll try" you sat him up. He took a deep breath in "ahhhh" he screamed in pain,he stopped and took a mother deep breath. You could hear him expanding slowly "faster it will be less painful" you held his hand he squeezed hard,but you didn't care. "AHHHHH" with a final push his red wings where out drooping over his body. "Okay im gonna pluck one" you went behind,scanning his wings you looked for a good size one not to big either ,because those where painful to pluck. You got one in your fingers "ready?" He nodded his head,and with that you pulled it out "mmm" he tilted his neck "sorry" you got up,and gave the feather to Hoseok,who was pulling out blood form Jungkooks arm.

"Owww Hyung" jungnkook wines in pain "shut up you big baby" Hoseok pulled out the needle with blood in it.

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