Hinata, The Vengeful

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Sasuke entered Itachi and Naomi's house to collect his share of the earnings that Naomi won from the pot about his and Naruto's first kiss, only to find Hinata already there with her head on Naomi's lap, sobbing uncontrollably.

"It's... it's just... not fair, Nee-chan. I... I hate him." she said, before eating a cinnamon bun Naomi had offered her, with incredible speed.

Naomi had already noticed him and was motioning him to get out, but Sasuke stood his ground, curious about what was going on. He was shocked to hear the terrible threats, the normally sweet Hinata mumbled, to the poor soul's genitals, who had somehow managed to wrong her, all the while sobbing, stuttering and nibbling on cinnamon buns.

It was some time later when Hinata finally noticed him, and her demeanor changed completely. She activated her Byakugan and shouted, "You!", moving threateningly towards him. He stepped back reflexively, before starting to dodge the fast paced jyuken strikes.

"Hinata-chan, Naruto-kun would probably be upset if you castrate him." Naomi called out.

To his relief, Hinata stopped. "I guess, you are right." she mumbled, before sending him a glare towards him. "But he stole Naruto-kun from me. I had already thought of names of our children, who would have his eyes and whisker marks..." and she started sobbing again.

"I'm sure you can still have children with Naruto-kun." Naomi offered.

"What?" Sasuke protested, because Naruto was his. There was no way he was sharing him, even with the threat to his privates.

"Sasuke obviously doesn't have the parts to bear children. Naruto is going to need someone to surrogate for him, someday." His sister in law continued, selectively deaf to his protests.

"You are right, Nee-chan. I'll have to become strong so that Naruto-kun chooses me when the time comes." Hinata said, bowing to Naomi before leaving.

"Did you just..." Sasuke was too mad to form a proper sentence.

"I just saved you a long stay in the hospital. You don't know how dangerous a vengeful Hinata is. She put Hiashi-sama in hospital last year, for insulting Naruto."

"But I am not sharing Naruto with her."

"Who says you have to? It's puppy love. She just wishes to be someone important to Naruto, be it a surrogate mother for his children. You don't have to worry." she said, digging around a cupboard and taking out a bundle of notes.

"How do you even know her?" he asked pocketing the money.

"I once saved her from a life of being hated by her cousin due to her uncle's death and defeated her fated to be dead kidnapper by chilly powder."

Sasuke wondered if Naomi did this purposely to mess with people.

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