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Itachi dived towards the left to avoid the katana swipe aiming for his neck, dispelled the triple layered genjutsu trying to snare him, kicked his opponent in the stomach and pined her against the ground, with a kunai at her neck.

Big, wide eyes with three tomoe Sharingan locked on to his. Her face was flushed from exhaustion, beads of sweat clinging to her forehead. She had sharp cheekbones, having lost most of the baby fat in last few years. Her full lips were set in a pout due to her loss. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Marry me?" He blurted out before he could stop himself. He forced himself to not retract his words now that they were spoken. He had realised some time ago that he was in love with Naomi, possibly form the day he met her. He was scared to act on it, though. Naomi was his best friend, despite their vastly different personalities. He did not want to estrange her if she didn't return his feelings. But now the cat was out of the bag.

"What?" Naomi's previous frustration was replaced by surprise, a faint blush dusting her cheeks.

Itachi lost his nerve and backtracked. "My father is pushing me to find a bride and the fan girls are getting quite creative." He said with a straight face. It wasn't technically a lie.

Her expression turned to incrediuality. "You want to marry me because your fangirls are getting creative?" He didn't need to see her Sharingan to know that he was entering dangerous territory.

"Also because I cannot imagine spending my life with anyone but you." he said sincerely. It must have been the right thing to say as she deactivated her Sharingan. She studied him for quite some time before she replying. "I guess I could marry you, on one condition."

"What would that be?" He asked, trying and failing to stop his hopes from rising. She flipped him on his back and pressed a Kunai to his jugular. "You'll have to admit defeat to the great Naomi-sama."

"I admit defeat to the great Naomi-sama." He easily said, unable and suppress the grin that crept up his face.

She huffed, removing the kunai from his neck. "You're no fun." she proclaimed, with a smile in her voice.

Now he just had to convince Shisui to not kill him.

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