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Grace felt the explosion push her back. She mentally took account of the burns she received and concluded she wouldn't survive this. To her surprise she didn't feel any despair. She was content with her life. The last few years in med school and as a surgical resident after that had been the best years of her life. She was saving lives and she was good at it. Her current predicament could also be attributed to her saving people thing. She has refused to remove pressure from the bleeding abdominal wound of the patient despite an unknown explosive inside his abdominal cavity. She didn't have any regrets, except maybe she'd miss terrorizing her interns. With that thought Dr. Grace Murphy died at the age of 28.

Naomi woke up with a gasp and bleeding eyes, dimly aware of her surroundings. She took in slow deep breaths to avoid hyperventilation. She was Uchiha Naomi, 17 year old chunnin of Konoha. She was in the forests of Kamiwari no kuni with Jiraiya on a training trip. She was safe.

It took her several minutes for her to calm down and another few to make a sense of what happened. She had died and was reborn into a world she previously considered fictional. She has somehow regained the memories of her previous life on her seventeenth birthday. She heard a rustle in the trees.

"Back from peeping, ero-sensei?" She called out.

"It's research, brat." came the automatic reply. " And what are you doing up so early?"

"Really, sensei? You forgot my birthday? You wouldn't have got me anything then?" She mock pouted.

"Calm down, girlie. I have the perfect birthday gift for you." he said handing me a scroll. She opened it to find a certificate proclaiming her a seal master.

"You're not serious, are you? It has only been a year." She gaped at him.

"I'm completely serious." He answered before scowling. " This is the reason I don't like teaching you genius types. You take all the fun out of it."

"Like the Yondaime wasn't a genius." She shot back.

"Who said I liked teaching him. Damn sensei for saddling me with him and now you. Anyway, it's time to return back to Konoha. I can pay him back by using his crystle ball to peek, I mean research."

Naomi just shook her head.

Naomi woke up with a gasp and bleeding eyes, dimly aware of her surroundings. She took in slow deep breaths to avoid hyperventilation. She was Uchiha Naomi, 17 year old chunnin of Konoha. She was in the forests of Kamiwari no kuni with Jiraiya on a training trip. She was safe.

It took her several minutes for her to calm down and another few to make a sense of what happened. She had died and was reborn into a world she previously considered fictional. She has somehow regained the memories of her previous life on her seventeenth birthday. She heard a rustle in the trees.

"Back from peeping, ero-sensei?" She called out.

"It's research, brat." came the automatic reply. " And what are you doing up so early?"

"Really, sensei? You forgot my birthday? You wouldn't have got me anything then?" She mock pouted.

"Calm down, girlie. I have the perfect birthday gift for you." he said handing me a scroll. She opened it to find a certificate proclaiming her a seal master.

"You're not serious, are you? It has only been a year." She gaped at him.

"I'm completely serious." He answered before scowling. " This is the reason I don't like teaching you genius types. You take all the fun out of it."

"Like the Yondaime wasn't a genius." She shot back.

"Who said I liked teaching him. Damn sensei for saddling me with him and now you. Anyway, it's time to return back to Konoha. I can pay him back by using his crystle ball to peek, I mean research."

Naomi just shook her head.

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