Kunoichi Bonding

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Sakura scrubbed her hands furiously, trying to get the blood off. But it wasn't working. She had blood on her hands. She was a killer. And it was so easy to kill him, the bandit Gato had sent to kidnap Tsunami-san. Her kunai had so easily penetrated his throat and Sakura had watched as he choked to death.

"Sakura." She heard. Great. Now Sasuke's future sister in law was here to make fun of her.

"I know what you're here to say. That I'm a pathetic kunoichi to let killing a bandit affect me so much. I know that. You can go now." Sakura told her, trying desperately not to cry.

She stood there silently for a while but didn't leave.

"I wasn't here to say that, Sakura." she finally said, sitting next to her. "If I said that I'll be the biggest hipocrite in the world. I hate killing. Why do you think I captured our enemies on our way here? But you have the option of not killing only when you are strong."

Sakura wilted at that. "I'm not strong. Not like you or the boys..."

"That's only because you're keeping yourself weak, Sakura. Tell me, why are you on a diet?"

"I'll get fat if I don't diet." She answered.

"Do I look fat to you?"

Sakura stared at Naomi's perfect figure. "No. That means you're on a diet, too."

Naomi snorted at that. " I have never been on a diet, for even a day. I'm a glutton of the highest order. I eat more than triple you eat, everyday."

"But you're not fat." She protested.

" That's because I train my ass off. I saw you earlier in the clearing, you were only putting the minimal effort in your training, while ogling at Sasuke."

Sakura blushed in embarrassment. " I can't train hard with them. I'll get sweaty and dirty, then Sasuke-kun would... "

Naomi interrupted her. " I can't talk about all boys, but if Sasuke is anything like Itachi, he'll love to see you all hot and sweaty."

Sakura's blush rivaled her dress at that moment.

" Oi, get your mind out of the gutter, Pinkie. He hasn't even kissed me yet."

She gasped at that. " What? But aren't you engaged? "

" We are. For more than a year now. What can I say, he's kind of a dork." Naomi replied, grinning.

She couldn't help but giggle at Uchiha Itachi being called a dork.

" Anyway, physical training isn't the only way to get strong. You've got near perfect chakra control. You can train in genjutsu or iryo nin jutsu. "

" Are you an iryo nin? You were helping the villagers earlier...Could you train me? "

" That was civilian medicine I learned before I became a Ninja. I could get started with Anatomy now if you want, the basics are all the same. " Naomi replied.

" Please, sensei. " Sakura stood up and bowed, her eyes hard with determination.

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