Make Kakashi Train Again

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Kakashi ventured to the meeting place where his kohai (possibly future Hokage) had requested him to be. He was only an hour late. He wouldn't admit to anyone but he was a little scared of Itachi.

"Kakashi-senpai." he was greeted by his kohai who already there, as expected.

"Yo. Looking for early recruits for your Hokage gaurd platoon?" He guessed.

Itachi blinked. "No. This is about your Sharingan."

Oh. "You clan still wants it back?"

" Of course, they do. I am not here on their behalf, though. I have been reading old missions reports and I came across one of yours, about a mission in Kiri to rescue your teammate." Kakashi stiffened at that. Itachi continued." I don't wish to open old wounds but I have suspicions that you awakened the next stage of Sharingan then, the Mangekyou Sharingan. It is activated due to guilt and grief of killing someone you care about."

"Why are you telling me this?" Kakashi asked, stiffly.

Itachi visibly you hesitated. " I have come across information about a group of S rank missing nin with the goal to capture and kill jinchiruchi."

Naruto. Kakashi thought.

"Obito-san's branch of the clan has been known to manifest Kamui. It is a technique which can manipulate space. Normally on activating a Mangenkyo, the user is automatically aware of how to use it. You still have to train it to get better results. As of right now your Chakra reserve wouldn't sustain the Mangenkyo Sharingan for more than a minute."

Itachi started walking away, before saying, "I wouldn't even attempt to understand your grief, Kakashi-senpai. But wouldn't it be better to protect their legacy rather than staring at their names all day? "

Kakashi watched Itachi walk away, as his thoughts resembled an inferno. He took several moments to calm himself.

Well back to training it is, he thought. Maybe he should enlist Gai to help him.

Nah, he wasn't that desperate yet.

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