The Dobe

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One day Sasuke woke up in his own room, missing the smell of ramen, and he realised that he was in love with the dobe. To his horror, the first person he thought could help him with this revelation, was his sister in law, Naomi.

"I'm in love with Naruto." he told her.

"You've finally realised. Great, Itachi owes me 500 ryos. He though that Naruto would be the first to realize his feelings." she replied.


She rolled her eyes. "You've been in love with each other since you were thirteen. The whole village has been waiting for both of you to realize that. There's even a huge betting pool for you first kiss."

"You mean to tell me that Naruto has been in love with me, too?"

"Of course. He doesn't know it yet, though. We'd surely have know if he had figured it out. He is as subtle as a truck. And as dense as a rock. He wouldn't get it if you court him subtly."

He could imagine it. Asking him to dinner would be considered equivalent of treating him to Ramen. Complementing him would be acknowledging him as a rival.

"I'd probably have to kiss him senseless for him to get it."

Naomi smirked at him. "Could you do it in the Hokage office? I'll give you half the amount when I win the pot."

He contemplated about it. On one hand, it would be too public, diminishing his image as the stoic Uchiha. On the other hand, Itachi nii-san bet against him. He deserved some embarrassment.

"60%" he countered.

"You've got yourself a deal. As a bonus, I'll even give Naruto-kun the Talk. I doubt Jiraiya-sensei told him anything about gay relationships."

Sasuke was not blushing as he left. He wasn't.

The next time Sasuke saw Naruto enter nii-san's office, he went in after him, shoved him against the wall and attacked his mouth with his. Naruto was surprised at first but soon he started responding. Sasuke backed away when he was out air.

"Teme... what?" Naruto asked, his cheeks pink.

"I've actually spelled it out for you, dobe. You still need to ask?"

"No, I.... Uh. Sasuke... I..." As much fun as it was to see the dobe speechless for once, it was even for enjoyable to see nii-san unsettled. It wasn't obvious to anyone who didn't know him well, but Sasuke knew what signs to look for.

"As happy I'm for both of you, Naruto-kun has a mission, Sasuke." he said with a straight face, his left lower eyelid twitching slightly.

"Sure, nii-san. I'll leave. See you later, dobe." He sent a wink and smirk at Naruto and Itachi, respectively.

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