Sakura's New Job

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Sakura was very excited about her new job as a medic. Iryo nin jutsu came so easily to her as if it was made for her. Learning civilian medicine from Naomi sensei had made it even easier for her.

People supposedly found it quite hard, as only a rudimentary show of Mystical Palm Technique, along with some statergy and tactics, against her match with Rock Lee was enough to grant her a promotion. Whereas Lee wasn't promoted even after winning.

Her first day at the hospital went swimmingly. She was partnered with Kabuto, who she remembered from the chunnin exams. He taught her the ropes and after their shift even taught her some medical jutsu, which she got on her first try. Even Kabuto was impressed, though his smile was a bit fixed.

Sakura had finally found her calling. She wasn't meant to be combat Ninja like the rest of her team, but this was something she could be good at. She wouldn't be useless anymore.

It was while walking home that Sakura realised that she hadn't thought about Sasuke-kun the whole day. Maybe she was getting over her crush on him.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice Ino until she ran into her.

"Hey, watch out Forehead. So lost in your thoughts about Sasuke-kun that you can't even see where you're going?" Ino taunted her.

"I'm not thinking about Sasuke-kun. I was thinking about my job at the hospital. Honestly, I don't think I'm even in love with Sasuke-kun anymore." Sakura replied.

"What do you mean? How can you even say that?" Ino was scandalized.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "He isn't that great when you see him following after his nii-san like a puppy. I was training with Naomi sensei last month. You should have seen how romantic Itachi-sama was with her. After seeing that, you kind of lose interest in Sasuke-kun's 'cool' personality."

"So you have a crush on Hokage-sama now?"

"No. That ship has sailed. He wouldn't even look at anyone except Naomi sensei. I'll just keep my eyes open for greener pastures. See you later, Ino-pig." Sakura walked away enjoying the stunned expression on Ino's face.

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