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Itachi was at loss at what to do to dissuade his clan members from their foolish plans of coup. But he was only thirteen, despite being ANBU and clan heir, he wouldn't be able to change their minds. His less than stellar social skills didn't help either. Shisui was his only hope.

"Almost all of them are on board the plan. Mentioning anything would lead to suspicion." And that hope was dashed as well.

Something must have shown on his face as Shisui put his hand on Itachi's shoulder. "Don't worry, Itachi. We'll think of something."

He was about reply when a familiar figure emerged from the edge of clearing. " Oi, Itachi-chan, the brat was looking for you. Hi, nii-chan."

"Nii-san." Itachi braced himself as Sasuke jumped off Naomi's back and hug/tackled him. His lips quirked in amusement. Despite mellowing out towards Sasuke over the years, Naomi still called him brat. This was the first time Sasuke didn't protest the nickname.

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke asked, bouncing on his feet.

"We were just discussing which of us is stronger." Shisui contributed.

"What's their to discuss? Of course Itachi nii-san is stronger." said Sasuke, ever faithful to his brother.

"What do you mean by 'of course' brat? Are you eager to get tickled again?" Naomi wiggled her fingers threateningly.

Sasuke, apparently terrified of the tickle monster, gasped and ran away.

"Stop terrorizing him, imouto." Shisui said, ruffling Naomi's hair and took off after Sasuke. Naomi huffed and turned to Itachi.

"So, what were you talking about ?"

"Classified." was the simple reply.

"So, now that both nii-chan and you are ANBU, you're going to use that excuse for everything, aren't you ?"

"Well, it's a convinient excuse, genin-chan." Itachi couldn't help but tease. Not that he doubted Naomi's skill. Despite being known as the clan's prodigy, he could say Naomi was smarter than him. Her combat skills while not comparable to him or Shisui were more than necessary for a chunnin. She had failed the chunnin exams on purpose twice now with such finesse that an entire village of ninjas didn't suspect anything. But what impressed Itachi the most was her way of thinking. He was able to learn anything on his first try, but Naomi was able to discover new things without putting much effort.

"Looks like you've got a big head, Itachi-chan. You're in a need of thorough ass kicking." Naomi replied, her eyes narrowing.

"You can certainly try, genin-chan." Itachi watched as Naomi's eyes reduce to slits. She very much resembled the cat summons of the clan at that moment. Despite having confidence in his skills, Itachi felt a shiver run down his spine.

He was saved by Sasuke's shout of," Nii-san, come quickly."

Naomi scowled as he quietly started towards the clan compound. "You should stop coddling him, you know. He is going to grow up spoilt and pampered."

Itachi feeling a dare devil for some reason, decided to try his luck a little further and asked, "Like you?" and shunshined away before she could reply.

"You're dead, Itachi." He heard Naomi's enraged shout from the clearing.

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