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*Jack's POV*
Me: "Mikey we need to talk. NOW!"
Mikey and I go into the mindy room because it's the only free one. Andy and Rye are in Rye's room doing who knows what (😜). And Brook is in our room.
Me: "Mikey what's wrong? Why do you ignore me? What have I done?"
Mikey: "I don't know... I'm sorry Jack. I... I... just... I don't feel it lately."
Me: "What's IT?"
Mikey: "Us. Jack, I don't feel US."
Me *with tears in his eyes*: "And w-what now?"
Mikey: "I don't know. Jack. It's just not working anymore. I think we need to take a break."
Me *now crying*: "So you're just breaking up with me? After all we had!?!"
Mikey *also with tears in his eyes*: "Look Jack, I'm sorry, I-"
Me: "NO! Save it Mikey. I don't want to hear it!!" I storm out of the room into my room and colapse on my bed crying. Brook rushes over to me and asks: "Jack what's wrong?" I just hug him and cry into his shoulder. He strokes my back and comfortes me. After a few minutes I calm down a bit and He asks again: "Jack, what happened?" "Mi...Mikey and I-I broke up" I sob into his chest.

*Brook's POV*
Jack: "Mi...Mikey and I-I broke up." Wait what? He and Mikey broke up? Why? I'm kind of relieved but it also makes me sad to see Jack like that.
Me: "Jack I'm sorry. But why?"
Jack: "I d-don't know... He said He doesn't feel US anymore." He begins to cry again and it's breaking my heart.
Me: "Well he is pretty stupid to let you go. You're amazing." Jack hugs me tighter and sobs silently in my shoulder.
*One hour later*
Jack fell asleep after crying for like half an hour. Andy and Rye come in.
Rye: "Hey Buddy we heard Jack crying, what happened?"
Me: "He and Mikey broke up."
Andy: "What why?"
Me: "Apperently Mikey isn't feeling them."

*Mikey's POV*
I heard Jack crying and it broke my heart. I don't love him anymore but I still care about him. I feel so bad for breaking up with him but it's for the best. He can find someone who ist better for him, someone who treats him right.

Hey! Sorry I know I said yesterday evening but I forgot. So here is part 13 only one part left. And sorry for that break-up but next part is better.
Love you 💕💕

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