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*Rye's POV*
*One week later*
We're eating lunch and Brook and Jack are messing around like they used to. That's good because it means Brook probably sorted out his feelings for... Wait he never told me who he maybe is in love with. Now I'm curious. After lunch Jack sits on Mikey's lap and kisses him. Mikey kisses back. I look at Brook and see that the situation is making him feel uncomfortable. He tenses a little and looks at me. Suddendly he takes out his phone. A few moments later I her a message. It is from Brook and says 'At 5 p.m. outside. Need to talk'. I look at him and nod.
*5 p.m.*
I take a hoodie and put on my shoes. I go outside and see Brook standing there fiddling with his fingers as if he was nervous. I go to him. When I'm next to him he turns around and begins to walk. We go in silence for about two minutes until I decide to speak up: "So what did you want to talk about?"
Brook: "I... I... errr..."
Me: "Brook you wanted to talk to me so talk to me."
Brook: "Ok so.. I... You know how I told you that I have to figure out if I'm in love?"
Me: "Yes..."
Brook: "Well I figured out."
Me: "And...? C'mon just tell me."
Brook takes a deep breath and says: "I'm in love... ... ...withjack."
"With who?" I ask.
Brook *mumbling*: "... ...with Jack."
Me: "Wait what?"

*Brook's POV*
Rye: "Wait what?" Oh god. I knew I shouldn't have told him. He probably thinks I'm a freak.
Rye: "But Brook, Jack is with Mikey."
Me: "Yes I know."
Rye: "So this is why you always tense when they kiss and stuff?"
"Yes..." I mutter and begin to cry. Rye hugs me as I sob in his shoulder.
Rye: "Shhh... Brook... It's going to be fine. You're gonna make it through that." I start sobbing more.
Me: "But I don't want to get through it. I want to be with Jack but I understand that he loves Mikey and is with him. And I'm just gonna be friends with him. I can do that." (A/n That literally wasn't logic. First he says he wants to be with him and then he says it's okay for him to just be friends with Jack. Well that's my brain for you 🤷😂)
I hug Rye thightly. "Please don't tell anyone."
Rye: "I won't." Rye smiles at me. "Thank you" I mumble.

Hey! So another update. Hope you like it.
Love y'all ❤️❤️

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