Crying. Again.

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He was crying. Again. He shouldn't have gotten distracted by those rocks. He should have been watching Andiron- it was his job to look out for his brother! But of course he didn't even realise his baby brother was dieing so close to him.
He should've been able to hear it. But he didn't hear it. He didn't realise. He did get distracted. And his brother died.
His fault.

Hearthstone cried. He shouldn't be crying- it made him look weak. He continued to cry pitifully as Inge came in and sat by him, eventually holding him in her arms.

He cried over and over in the years to come. Again and again he felt so horrible about what happened. And his blood boiled at his father's words.

Eventually he had enough and left. Ran away. Learned rune magic.
He looked after Magnus. He was great at standing his ground infornt of thugs-never showing his fear. He was well trained in that art. And it took far too long for him to realise he could open up to Magnus and Blitzen. That is was okay to cry.
All his friends would say he was stoney faced, stern almost, literal with his words- straight to the point. No emotion in the serious times. Only in short, tender moments of love or laughter, or loud, angry ones, or moments of heartbreak and pain.

Like those times everyone sat around and told jokes and stories and he would be so happy he would never notice the smile on his face.
Or when he lay in bed with Blitz, cupping the other's cheek or lieing on his chest and signing nonsense love poems and trailing kisses and messing up that beautiful hair.
Or when he cried in anger because he was terrifed for the dwarf's life-how could Freya send him off as if it was no big deal to get him to retrieve all this stupid stuff for her?
When he sobbed, alone in their bedroom, knowing he had lost Blitzen forever.

Only then would you see the true Hearth. Broken and straved of love and touch. didn't see that anymore. Not after Blitz was killed. It was just like Andiron but.. Hearth couldn't feel guilty. He had nothing to do with it. It was Magnus who could not heal the wound. He couldn't blame himself and it was so much worse. His heart lay shattered because he know it was the worst it could be- he was alone now. He didn't have any debts to take his mind off it. He could only sit and cry because no matter what he did he couldn't have his sweetheart back and he knew it. But still he was certain he had to be somewhere. He would find him even if it killed him.

Everyone said he was stoney faced. And that was because he was focused and perpared.
He was going to find Blitzen. And no one could stop him. It's not like he could hear them anyway.

Should I make a part 2 of him looking or everyone trying to convince him not to go?

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