Coffee shop AU- As dark as my soul

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Happy International Week of the Deaf!
The coffee shop AU. In which Blitzen owns a fashion shop across the road from a newly opened small café.

It was the end of the work day and Blitzen really had earned a coffee and maybe a little muffin-yeah, he tottally earned the muffin with all the customers he had to deal with today. "What fabric is this made out of?" "I like the colour..can you get me this but a different top entirely?" "Hmm, I don't know about this. What's your opinion?" That you should stop wasting my time is my opinion. "Could you get me this in ten different sizes even though I fit this one?"

There was this quaint café that had just opened up across the road and he'd be promising himself he'd go try it out for a while now. As he entered the shop he could see little jars with candles inside hung from cieling held by rope cradles. Shelves of books lined the wall away from the candles. Small lamps by each seat if needed, some seats hidden in the shelves. The counter was at the back, colourful chalk proclaiming the options and treats in snug little glass cases, small ovens nearby, no doubt making the place smell like heaven when in full swing. A few people were there, sipping the end of their coffees, reading as they absent mindedily drank or caught up on work. Silent mostly.

He walked up to the counter. A tall blonde had his back turned, cleaning up some of the used mugs. Blitzen saw a small sign on the till it read: deaf employee on duty. If you need anyone else please ask. (His name is Hearth and is too precious and sassy for his own good.)
-manager Kate

Next to it was a pad of paper and a pen. Blitzen smiled at that and waited quietly for who he guessed was Hearth to turn around. He jumped slightly as he saw the shorter man and walked over to the till. He looked apologetic and waited a moment to raise his hands infornt of him, looking to Blitzen. Praying this could be a little easier. 'I'm far too tired for this.' was written on his face.

Thankfully the dark skinned man nodded and pinched his fingers close together for "a little." He smiled slightly and nodded, gesturing behind him and raising an eyebrow to ask what Blitzen wanted. The blonde was certainly cute and Blitz hoped he didn't mess this up thanks to nerves. He learnt some sign in school. Mostly normal conversation and food-he should be fine.
"One coffee please." He signed. Hearth nodded and asked if he wanted anything in it or not.
"As dark as my soul," he anwsered, careful to say it clearly.

The other giggled softly. "Lots of milk? Heart attack of sugar?" He raised an eyebrow as Blitzen shook his head, glad for his dark skin to hide the definte blush rising.
"Black." The blonde nodded before pointing towards to the food, a few options left as it was late in the day. After some debate he chose a salted carmel muffin and all too soon Hearth turned around and soon placed the drink and muffin before Blitz, telling him the price and giving the change.

He sat down and kept glancing at the blonde and kept seeing the glances he was given. Soon everyone else milled out and the blonde walked over to him.
"Name?" He asked.

The conversation was short and full of little giggles as Blitz tried to show off. Though he had to write down that he owned the shop across. Hearth promised to come by.
"Maybe tomorrow?" All too soon it was closing time and it was far too late and Blitzen had to get home soon so he could go into work early. He took the paper one last time and wrote down his number. He saw the other blush as he took it and promised to text him soon. Blitzen waited, with premission, for Hearth to close up and walked him to the bus station, saying a final goodbye and leaving the blonde with butterflies in his stomach and a blush in his face.

As he went to bed he got a text.
'It's Hearth. From the café. Sorry for the late text. Got distracted-food.'

Part two??

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