On The Seventh Day

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Blitzen woke and instantly regretted his decision of letting Hearth pick what to do. Not that Hearth picked badly but that he picked ice skating. Simply to pick it. Not more movies or cuddles or anything. Ice skating.

"Already? Can't we wait?" He shook his head.
"Just today?" He smiled, gazing at him with big, sad eyes until Blitzen relented. And he ran off to put his junper on.

The dwarf smiled as he kissed the other's nose, running a hand through Hearth's hair. "Can I plait it?"
Over twenty minutes later Hearth's hair had a delicate plait by his ear.

After that a long taxi ride was taken and they were at the ring.
"I can't do this. I'll fall." Blitzen said as Hearthstone pulled him onto the ring and guided him to the railing which he held onto for dear life.
Soon, he began to get the hang of it. Hearth skating circles around him in glee. When their time was up the two reluctantly left and headed home.

Blitzen, surprisingly, felt it was a day well spent.

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