Sick Day

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The best way to spend a sick day is curled up on the couch, movie on, an absurd amount of crap to eat and of course wrapped up in your boyfriend's arms.

There was a soft sniffle from the blonde as he curled into Blitzen's arms even more. At this point the movie was left forgotten by the two, Hearthstone falling asleep and the other busy playing with the silvery locks.

After some time, Hearth sat up and went to kiss the other, frowning slightly when a gentle hand stopped him. "You're sick. And you're not getting me sick." A few moments later the elf tried again, making it his mission to get a kiss. Each time Blitzen managed to move out of the way or actually move Hearth out of the way. Soon it ended up with Blitzen on a different couch.

"One kiss?" He pleaded.
"No. You're sick."
"One hug then?" Blitzen sighed and walked over, sitting now next to Hearthstone who instantly snuggled into him. Snuggles insued and later on Hearth gently tapped the dwarf's cheek for attention and when he turned he quickly sat up and kissed him. The kiss lasted a few moments before they pulled away. The rest of the evening was spent with small kisses and hugs.

When they awoke the next morning, Blitzen found himself sick and the blonde elf couldn't stop giggling as his boyfriend sulked.

"I'm sick. You've gotten me sick."
"Sorry." He blew the other a kiss as he ran out of the room before Blitzen could run after him. Though on the upside they could have another day of cuddles since Hearth was already sick so kisses were all day long and there was a massive blanket fort that they spent an hour building.

Just a quick sick day because fluff. Will get a part two to the coffee shop soon.

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