School AU

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I won't even they mentioning the years they're in. I can't. It's far too confusing and insane.
Let's just say Magnus is in.. whatever year. 3rd last year? 4th to last year. Blitz would be posing as the one that's leaving the next year and Hearth is in the middle of the two. Also we're going with the idea that Hearth and Blitz don't really know each other yet. More asked to work together and haven't really spoken to one another yet.

Blitzen had been tasked with keeping an eye on Frey's kid for Mimir. More keeping the kid alive which already was difficult- he kept walking into people, had no awareness of his surroundings and Blitzen was certain it would be a classmate and not anything else that ganked this kid.

He'd only been there a week and had managed to talk to Magnus a few times and had been asked to sit with him for lunch. When he walked over he saw a tall, unfashionbley dressed blonde sitting across from Magnus. He could guess who is was-Hearthstone, his partner who had to help him keep an eye on Magnus. He hadn't actually been able to find the other for some time, he just tended to disappear whenever Blitzen came near to talk game plan.

He approached, giving Magnus a quick 'hey' as he sat down next to him, figuring it was the best choice as the other did pat the bench space next to him.

"What did I miss?" He asked as he glanced between the two.
"Just sat down actually. Planning to eat. Everything." Magnus looked at him seriously before he stuffed his face.

Blitzen nodded and glanced around them. They sat in the cafeteria, a big hall where people could seat in or go outside. He'd suggested here to meet for obvious reasons. Some sunlight did stream through windows but they were far enough way and he hadn't forgotten protection.

He looked to the other, across from him. He was quite handsome, almost ivory skin with green veins dancing and weaving underneath. The gentle smell of pinecones was just the best.

Conversation stayed pointed towards school for a moment and soon enough Magnus stood, claiming he had to go get his books before leaving the two alone. Blitzen sighed softly, they couldn't really discuss anything here. Maybe he could try fix that outfit-or walk the other home and talk then?

"Hearth? Can I call you Hearth." Grey eyes met his chocolatey brown ones as he tilted his head.
"Can I call you Hearth?" He repeated. A nod.  He nodded back, tapping his fingers on the table when silence followed.

"We could walk home together today and talk about our game plan?" He suggested. The elf shrugged in response before he stood, gave Blitz a quick wave and left.

When school ended he did hang around the doors for a bit and managed to find the taller of them quickly and soon enough they were walking.
"So I was thinking.." before he had started Hearth took his arm, stopping him from walking and pointed towards a café.

Soon enough they sat in the little café and as Blitz rambled on he got the other's full attention.
"What do you think?" He asked. Waiting to hear what Hearth thought. He'd actually begun to learn some ASL in excitment to meet him. And he guessed that's why he'd been avoided until now. Elves were usually just plain hot headed and he'd hoped this one wouldn't be after what he'd been told.

"Good idea. No telling M about any of this." He looked to Blitz, who nodded.
"Ah, right. We shouldn't. It'd be a bit of a surprise. He'd think we're mad."
"Yes. Just a little." A small smile. A rarity Blitzen had been blessed with.

A few years later they sat in the same little café, hands interlaced across the table. The world was saved-three times actually and they could finally sit there and sign nonsense to each other and laugh without worrying about dieing a moment later on a trip around the worlds. Without having to be away from each other. They could sit and kiss and laugh without a worry. Which they did.
"I love you."

Hearthstone (Magnus Chase) Short Stories [HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora