How'd you get in that vent?

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Au where Blitz lives on Midgard./ before book one. Also kind of just another 'meeting' story because I found some prompts.

Blitzen was just going to the bathroom. He was on a break from work and had run to a little café to grab a coffee and a muffin. He had just went to wash his hands and fix his outfit. Though he did not expect to walk in and see someone slowly falling out of the air vent.

The blonde slowly slid out of the air vent, landing harshly on the cold bathroom floor. His expression one of mild surprise. He really hadn't expected to exit the world tree here. And where even was here? Midgard clearly. He stood and quickly held onto the sink as pain shot up his leg. As he looked up he spotted the dark skinned man's reflection in the mirror, staring at Heart in shock.

"What the-? Why are you-why were you in an air vent? What is that outfit?" Blitzen asked, though he was met with only the steely stare of the other as the elf turned to face him.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. Are you alright? You look exhausted-oh-" He rushed forward as the taller of the two suddenly hit the floor.

Blitzen knew he was overstepping his lunch break but there was a callopsed boy in his arms. He splashed water on Hearth's face, he shook him, gently tapped his pale face. Nothing worked and it was alarming. As he sat on the public bathroom's dirty floor with the blonde's head resting in his lap he took a moment to look over him-for injuries..of course. His clothes were completely black-where on Earth had he gotten them and they drained his sheet pale skin even more. Speaking of how pale he was his veins had an underlying tint of green. And his ears pointed slightly. An elf. How had he gotten here? And why? More and more questions bubbled over until Blitzen noticed the other's eyes flutter open.

"You're awake. You alright?" He asked gently but quickly fell silent as the blonde quickly scrambled away. He slowly approached him, hands up. "Hey. Hey. You fainted, okay?"

Slowly the elf nodded and after a few minutes of Blitzen rambling on about what happened and how late he was for work, the other clapped for his attention. He lifted up his hands and gestured slowly, as if asking a question.

"What? I don't know what you're saying. Can you talk?" Of course he didn't get a verbal answer, Hearth just tapped at his own ears to explain.

"Oh. Sorry. I've been talking the ear off you-sorry. Wait do you know what I'm saying?" He got another nod.

"Do you have a place to stay?" This time the other shook his head. "Well you can't stay here. You'll get kicked out. And you can't go out onto the streets. It's too dark for elves." He saw the elf's eyes widen in fear.

"You can come back with me to work and stay at my place tonight. I'm Blitzen by the way. I'm a svartalf so don't worry about me realising about you." He smiled as he held out a hand to help the other up.

They stumbled out and Hearth sat around silently the whole time until Blitzen closed up shop and helped Hearth home with him. He handed the other a notepad and was surprised at the sudden glare he got from Hearth until he sighed and took it from him.

"Got a name?"
"How'd you get in that vent?"
He didn't get an answer. He tried again. And again. And eventually took the paper from Hearth and wrote it down.
Can't understand you with that beard.
Sorry. How'd you get in that vent?
The world tree. Ran away.
They spent the rest of the night like that. Blitzen ordered them some pizza, he could tell he was upsetting Hearth with all the questions and pizza helps with feelings and would feed the skinny elf up.
While the other finished off the food he set to work making a bed for Hearth. Using an old tanning bed he found, he figured it'd do for now.
Soon he was stuck with Hearth but he didn't mind and the other soon got a job with him.

It's strange how friendships form. And this was certainly an odd way. But a strong bond that would last forever.

Anyone want a part 2? Or will I go straight (gay) ahead with another prompt? Or one from yous? Some fluffy gay? What do you want?

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