3AM can be..magical

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Plates lay astrew as did the book Blitzen had tried to read before Hearth had taken it and placed it on the coffe table where it would later fall to the floor during the prompt to dance off. He kissed the elf's head as he climbed into bed for the secone time.

Blitzen had arrived home late from work and had just flung some food on a plate, sat next to Hearth, dozing on and off and then headed to bed, the elf following for cuddles.

When he awoke quite suddenly as if he'd been thrown out of his already forgotten dreams and into consciousness. Thinking that perhaps the elf had poked him, he tried to check only to see Hearth's head was on his shoulder, legs around his waist, one arm on his own face and the other reaching across the bed.

03:00 AM read the alarm clock- one that they'd bought at the flea market. Hearth had been so sure it would actually wake them if they moved it to Blitzen's side of the bed with his tendency of waking up and turning it off hours before it even went off so Blitzen wouldn't have to go. But now he just woke up, leaned over to Blitzen's side and turned it off and went back to sleep.

After checking his phone to find he had no new messages, he figured he was awake now and, after detangling from Hearthstone he got up and headed into the kitchen for a snack.

Blitzen sat quite happily, eating the cookies he'd found on the highest shelf (probably hiden so he wouldn't find them but Hearth forgets he can use chairs to find them) and drinking his milk.

Not that he has anything against this book but this book was just so dull, this book just waffled on for ages and it was just so badly written but he'd said he'd read it and by gods he was going to do that and what a better time then 3AM?

He was halfway through a sentence when his book was snatched from his hands and he was suddenly faced by a blanketed and clearly upset elf, demanding to know why his warmth and left him?

"Woke up. Was hungry. Did not want to wake you"

A moment passed as Hearth looked around and gasped
"Did you eat the cookies?"


"Can see it!"

"Can not. No cookies"

"Because you ate them" after he spoke he pointed the dwarf in the chest

"Fine. Sorry" but it was too late, Hearth had turned away and was pouting, arms crossed

"Hearth," he wrapped his arms around the elf's waist, kissing his neck to get his attention which, after some time, he got.

"Will buy more cookies"

"Fine" His svartelf charm had worked as Hearth gave up and kissed him.

They curled up on the couch, Hearth asking if Blitzen had had a nightmare and then attention gone as he looked around. He stood and held out his hand out for Blitzen. When taken he put his other hand on the dwarf's waist and they began to slow dance around the room. Spinning and laughing and eventually just falling to the floor. Hands held as they stared at the ceiling and Hearth slowly drifted off to sleep.

Walking down the hallway, Blitzen carrying his love to the bed and carefully laying him down. 3AM could be quite scary if one was alone but when with the person they loved most, 3AM could be magical.

Didn't write this at 3AM so it's not as like bizarre but.. it's 10PM

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