On The Eighth Day

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Blitzen and Hearth awoke and quickly got dressed to meet Alex and Magnus in central Boston- almost forgetting they had promised to help them with shopping.
They paired off-Alex and Hearth and Blitzen with Magnus.

"We should get food," Magnus continued to say as they tried to find something for Alex. "We can meet back up and get something to eat. This'll still be here."
"Fine. It's nearly half past. We said to meet up at the foodcourt anyway." Blitzen sighed and put everything way-Alex was a nightmare to shop for.

They walked towards the foodcourt.
"What you getting Hearth?" Was soon asked.
"Can't tell you. You'll tell Alex and Alex will tell everyone else until Hearth finds out."
"Fair point." They waited for a bit until the other two returned, looking lost.

"How do you keep an eye on him?" Alex asked as Hearth stared at her.
"You ran off." He agrued and for a few minutes they continued like it until Blitz and Magnus stopped them.
"Food?" Magnus used to take Alex off course and it worked.

Magnus and Alex went off to order the food as Blitz and Hearth lay down their heads on the table. Why was this such hard work?

"This? This? Oh, this?" She asked as she held up loads of different random crap.
"No. Look" Hearth pointed across the road and brought Alex over.
Jewelerry. Maybe a bracelet or promise ring? No
A tiara. She got him a tiara.

Elsewhere Magnus finally convinced Blitzen that the hoodie was prefect and once it was approved they bought it.

Finally it was over and they could callopse at home. It was over unless someone else wanted their help.

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