Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Is this what you want?

I stood there staring at the King as he sat up from his throne and carefully walked down step by step from the podium. His eye sockets were empty but there was still a pair of red irises that scanned every single detail of me. He made a full circle around me then finally stood just an inch from my face staring into my eyes.
I could almost feel my soul drained by his gaze.

He then spoke, - You're young. How old exactly?-

I kept my breathing steady and replied slowly trying not show my nervousness, - Eighteen this year.-

- Very young.- he coughed a few times smacked me across the head, - You're late, youngster. I at least expect you to be on time if you want me to train you.-

I rubbed my head to reduce the throbbing from the hit, - I had some business to do first.-

- Fadom never mentioned that you were the revenge type. In fact, he always spoke of you as an angel. Yet.- he stopped and took a bottle of wine from a nearby tray and poured it into two glasses, handing one to me. I took a sip tasting the sweet liquid. - Yet you already killed.-

I almost choked on the wine as he mentioned the word 'killed'. It only dawned to me at this very moment that I committed a crime out of pure anger. My heart felt as if a thousand needles were being poked at it and my old self screamed at me in my head.

- Did I pull the wrong note?- he chuckled. - I see, you have no idea what you are doing.-

I looked at him with a slight regret.

- Fadom has told me that you were just a human a while ago. That you were too terrified to even do a simple task at first. You're afraid of yourself. You blame it all on one man.- he spoke slowly getting closer to my ear, then he whispered with a cold voice, - You want his blood on your hands, don't you?-

I unsheathed my sword as fast as lightning and slashed. The King simply backed away with one sift movent. Burning tears rolled down my cheeks as all the memories came flooding back. When I first ran from the devil itself, killing the two soldiers with a simple axe, hearing mobs talk then meeting Fadom. The man who took Annabelle into the forest and our fight, then Israphel puncturing my body with that bloody sword. The fight with Barst and hours spent at Fadom's grave. He was right, I wanted his blood on my hands. I want to make him suffer from what he has done.

All these emotions burned me from the inside out, tears flooded my face. I charged at him lashing my sword straight at his rib cage. He moved to the side. I twirled around and lashed at him once more only to have my wrist twisted back causing the sword to fall out of my grip. I let out a wail and tried to get my hand free. The King only twisted my whole arm backwards inside and repeated with my other arm as well causing unbearable pain. He put his foot against my back and forced me to my knees. I only sobbed at this point making no more attempts to struggle. He was way stronger than me.

- Get a hold of yourself Daniel, you don't want this to take you over!- he boomed his voice through the chamber.

I tried calming myself down, only partially succeeding. Soon enough, my sobbing reduced to only heavy breathing. No more tears fell either. Only then he let go of my arms and stepped back. He picked my sword up and studied it while I slowly rose to my feet still shaking. He attached it to his belt and helped me to sit on one of the steps. He sat beside and waited for me to be at peace with myself once again.

- I must apologise for this, I know it has been rough for you but I had to test you.- he started.

- Test... Me?- I looked at him shocked, - For what?-

- It's as I thought. If you still didn't know, Israphel has been making a God potion, and since the Brine's had powers like no one other, he started with that. He finally created a potion that would give him the powers of a Brine and injected it into you as a test.-

- And what did he want to achieve by doing so?-

- To see any side effects. You see, he's already evil enough to create such a thing, but he wouldn't go over board.-

- What are you getting to?-

- That's the side effect, Daniel. You're are eaten from the inside by all the Brines's anger and want for revenge. He used extracts from the last Brine, who was Satan himself. Israphel succeeded in killing him and wanted his power so he started experimenting. He knew about the side effect so he tested it out first.-

- So you're saying I'll become like the last Brine?-

He never replied, only stared forward. I didn't need an answer to know that was a yes.

- Can I stop it?- I finally asked after a while of thinking.

- Only Notch knows. We can only postpone it for now. Until you find an antidote.-

- There's an antidote?!- I shouted sitting up almost falling back down from dizziness. He pulled me back down onto the step and scratched his bald skull under the crown.

- Yes. Only He has it though. And if you want it, you'll have to go through proper training first.- I nodded. - But first.- he said and sat up going to his thrown. He stood at the side of it and pushed it to the right until a small trapdoor was visible underneath. He opened it and took out a small chest. He handed it to me. - You need to do something with the wound.-

I looked down at where the wound was and realised my whole shirt was covered in blood. I groaned and opened the box. I couldn't believe what I saw.

Inside of it was the missing page from the book.



Finally written! So many emotions I cant even xD

Isnt this nice? He finally got to heal the wound properly uvu

Thank you so much for the 10K reads again! I love to see all the support you give for this book <3

See ya in the next chapter!

Im outta here!

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