Chapter 13

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Chapater 13: Barst, friend or foe?

Nothing much happened during my travel through the north-east a few travellers who were bringing goods on their carts hauled by a few horses. I managed to take 1 horse without suspicion and after a while of calming it down I went on with my journey.

I was walking until sunrise, I then had a small rest during the day and continued during the night. Though the hirse wasn't very pleased with the idea. He kelt grunting and snarling at me whenever I did something. I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

After two nights I reached a city-ish village. I wasn't sure how exactly big it was as the biome was changing into a jungle. I often lost the path which I was going and had to ask a few zombies for directions. Feeling like a total idiot of course.

As I neared the twenty block high stone brick walls the horse started trotting cheerfully until it went into a full gallop through the road towards it. I furiously pulled on the reins trying to hault the beast but to no avail.

The guards peeked out from behind the gates confused from the galloping of my horse. Fear washed over me and wthout thinking I teleported out of the saddle and fell into the nearest tree getting stuck in the branches. I flinched not wanting to be heard shuffling around. The stamping of hooves was becoming distant and soon vanished.

I waited for the next hakf and hour then forced my way out of the tree. I tumbled out onto my back spilling my items out of my backpack, - Ow.- I moaed and rolled to my feet gathering the items once again.

I stood up masaging my lower back to ease the pain, - Another bruise. Gee.-

I looked up to see a guard standing on the road to my left, his eyes fixed on me, a torch in one hand and a long iron sword in the other. He backed away slowly raising the sword at me.

- H-Herobrine...!- he stuttered out.

- Good guess, but no.- I said and unsheated my own sword.

I lunged at him headlocking him and dragging back into the trees. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it in an awkward angle forcing him to drop the sword. I pulled my own to his throat and whispered, - One word, shout, scream or any noise with result in your death. Do you understand?-

He nodded. I grabbed the torch and patted the flaming end into the grass extinguishing it. - Now, you will give me your armour and leave the city through the jungle. Alright? If I see you sneaking back in, things won't be pretty. -

He nodded. I continued, - And you will to no one about this. I will personally rip your throat apart, cut your limbs odd and shove them down your ripped throat. Am I clear?-

- Y-Yes sir.- he stuttered and I let go.

It obviously was a lie, I'm to soft to do any of these things.

He begin taking his iron armour off and handed it to me. I thanked and said, - One last thing, where is Barst?-

He looked at me dumbatruck, - At the tavern, if I'm correct.-

I patted his shoulder and nodded, - Thanks.-

As I said that he eyed me one last time then begin further into the dephts of the jungle.

Without further adieu, I fitted the armour onto myself, a little too big, but enough to make me look like a soldier.

I swiped my hair over my eyes covering the glow and reducing the amount of light that would reach my eyes and blind me in the city. It shouldn't be that bad though. It's night after all.

I hid my diamond sword and picked up the iron one, re-lit the torch against some flint and stepped out of the jungle back onto the road and towards the city.

I knocked on the gates finding them closed at first. Another soldier opened it and let me in. - Anything?-

- N...- I stopped in mid-sentence and coughed adjusting my voice to sound like the guy. - No, sir.-

He nodded, - Report to Barst, we've got the horse stationed in the nearest barn.-

I nodded and trotted towards the building which looked like a tavern. Merry music and lights gleamed within. I stopped at the front doors and looked at the sign, "Le ol' Travern de Marco". Sounds legit.

I stepped inside, everything slightly blurred and quite bright. I looked around and stood before the counter where a bartender was most likely cleaning mugs, I wasn't sure, everything's too blurred.

- Where's... General Barst?- I asked unsure.

The guy looked up at me, silent, then turned out and said, - Upstairs.-

He put a mug of mead on the counter before me and nodded for me to go.

I didn't like drinking but I took it anyways and went upstairs.

One room was visible, ten or so tables set around the room, a few window and a slanted roof on which were skulls of deer hung along with old, used shields.

A group of men sat in the very corner of the room under a window. A bearded man sat at end, a large diamond helmet by his side on the table, shoulder pads on his arms and a large sword by his seat. Two men set on each sides of the table drinking and muttering to each other.

I advanced towards the table and coughed to attract attention.

They all looked up at me and Barst spoke first, - Excuse you, who are you?-

- I'm a soldier guarding the front gates, sir.- I said, standing tall.

He gestured me to sit down. I sat beside one of the men and humg my head low. They can't see my eyes.

- We have been alarmed by a galloping horse outside the gates, and while we went investigating there was no rider although the horse had a saddle.- I started.

- Anything else?- he asked, staring right at me with a stern expression.

I glanced at him uneasy then took a sip of the mead, - No sir.-

- Are you sure, Herobrine?-

I clung onto the mug so hard that the glass shattered into pieces making the drink spill all over the table. The soldiers jumped back immediately but I just kept my head low, muscles tensed and my heart beat fast.





Finally an update, eh?

I'm trying my best to update at least once a month y'know.

I'm also writing writing on an ipod this time soooooooo... mistakes coming yer way XD

So what do ye guys think will happen next?

Will Daniel duel Barst? Or will he screw things up and end up dead instead? A fast escape or a peaceful talk?


Come children, and give me some feedback on what you think of the book so far! Any things to change, what would you like to see more of, and other questions you have ask away in the comments.

I would really appreciate it ^^

Vote, comment and follow for more awesome updates ;)


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