Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Farewell

My lungs screamed as I kept crawling out of the one block wide hole full of water. Just as I was about to give up my hands reached above the surface that were soon clasped by another pair of hands. Hauled out of the whole I struggled to regain my breath. I heaved as I sprawled myself on the ground. I coughed several times and sat up.

The King sat beside me and patted my back, "Easy there." He uttered. I nodded slowly returning to normal breathing. Easy to say for him, he doesn't breath.

I looked around seeing everything very clearly, it was obviously pitch dark inside. Veronica was sitting against the opposite wall of the small chamber we were in and.... The zombie was there too. A wide grin plastered on his face. Oh boy. If I haven't seen him earlier I might've as well get scared shitless.

I groaned, water dripping from my clothes. I felt for my sword- still there- phew. I let out a deep sigh and stood up. Taking the risk- as uncomfortable as it was- I reached out for the pool of energy and partially levitated the water off my clothes and hair. The droplets hovered in the air around me, connecting into a one big bubble. Once done, I swung my hand back towards the pool of water everyone dove into. The water splashed against the wall and back into the hole. I managed to repeat the process with the king and Veronica.

We reunited once again, all ready, armour fixed, swords in hand and in a circle.... Including the zombie.

"What now?" Veronica was the first to speak. She rubbed her hands, cold. The underground facility was unbearably cold. Not like the two mobs felt it but Veronica and I certainly did.

"We go in." The King replied looking almost completely unfazed by the whole cold, or darkness. I'm sure Veronica could see in the dark, her eyes seemed to glow purple. "Did Fadom ever mention anything about the facility?"

At the mentioning of Fadom I dropped my gaze. It still pained me to lose such a friend. I recalled every moment I spent with him, but the only thing that mostly stood out was that he only told me he worked for him once. Nothing else. He used to tell stories about it, the lab, prison and other rooms that only Notch knows what's inside. But nothing else.

I shook my head in dismay, "Nothing at all. Bar that it's absolutely huge." I stopped, "We could get lost by just entered one corridor or something. He said it was like a maze and it took him six moons to remember where he was going; and even them it was still hard for him." I sighed.

The King stood silent for a moment. Veronica looked up and smiled, "Hat about Mailo? He escaped from here right?"

All heads turned to the wall behind me, and surely enough, he was right there. Two eyes in the middle of the wall, staring back at us. "Yes" he began but dropped his gaze, "But I was at a different part. I've never seen this place."

I thought for a moment. "Maybe once you'll go out, you'll somehow remember your way around?" I asked as a new idea sparked.

The creeper seemed to be in thought. After a moment he replied, "That could work, I suppose. But," he began again, eyes locked to mine, "It's very bright there. Unlike here of course."

"That's fine, I've got my glasses." I smiled and took out the pair of shades out of my pocket. I took it with me just in case they were needed.

Mailo seemed displeased with my glasses. Almost frustration. I frowned, did I do something wrong? Whatever. "Anyways..." I interrupted the awkward staring contest, "Whatever happen, we'll be ready." I flashed my diamond sword out of the sheath and directed the edge towards the long narrow corridor.

The room fell silent. A melancholic atmosphere seemed to fall upon our group. I groaned, "Come on guys, it's either we die or we die. What's there to lose."

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