Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Leave Taking

I pressed my body to the slanted roof of one of the buildings, squinting so that my eyes wouldn't give a too bright glow. The guards hopefully did not notice me or I'm surely dead.

I flipped down to the side of the house, hiding in the shadows the stone brick wall cast and peeked through the house's window. I had to stand on my toes to see anything, I'm not that tall... Something I always wished was to be taller, but what can I do?

The house was pretty elegant, a big table, a double couch and a few bookshelves lined against the walls. The lamps were luckly turned off or I would have had difficulty with my sight.

I crouched down, grabbed a stone from the ground then stepped back and threw the stone at the glass panes shattering them enough for me go through.

I jumped at the windowsill, my stomach wound rubbing against the wood as I pulled myself up. I winced, warm blood streaked down my waist and onto my leg. I need to change the bandages asap. I grabbed the edge of the windowsill and flipped upside down into the room, landing on my head.

-Ow....- I muttered to myself and sat up and clutched my stomach. I glanced around the room then stood up and silently walked to a set of stairs. I creeped up and looked around at the four closed doors leading to different rooms.

The light pink doors caught my attention, that's what I was looking for. I stepped towards the door and walked inside as quietly as I could.

Inside, lay Bella in her bed, her eyes wide open. She turned to me then immidiately sat up, her eyes sparkling with excitment, -Daniel!- she called out.

I raised my hands and tried to hush her down, - Quiet, Bella.- I whispered, - I can't be here.-

- Well why not?- she asked confused with her cute little voice. Oh, how much I missed it.

I sat beside her, put my backpack at the side of the bed then took my shirt off, - Before I say anything, do you have any tissues?-

She gasped seeing the blood-stained bandage then quickly ran out the door and came back with a bowl of water and a handful of tissues and handed them to me.

I smiled in return then began to wipe the fresh blood off and unbandage the cloth. I reched for my backpack and took out a new bandage and wrapped it around the wound again sighing with relief as the pain was relieved once more. - Look, I'm gonna have to leave and who knows, I might not come back.- I looked into her eyes, now sad and surprised.

-But... Why? You can stay here! You'll meet my parents and friends!-

-Bella I told you I can't do that... You see this wound?- I pointed at the wound and she nodded. -This is not done by accident, I was attacked and you might be aswell if I stay. And being a Brine is nothing peaceful among the adults. They think that each Brine wants to kill and destroy when that is clearly not true.-

She was silent, for the amount of years I knew her she was never silent for so long. I cupped her tiny hands in mine, gently not to crush her fingers then kissed her forehead, - I can't stay. I have to go.-

-But where are you going to?- she asked, her voice a little shaky and high pitched, I could tell she was about to cry.

I hesitated, it wasn't easy to explain anything to a child that would not slip into someone elses hands. I had to be careful with my words, -My friend was killed and I'm going to see his boss. And perhaps avenge him.-

She slid off the bed and tip-toed towards her small desk with a mirror and roummaged through her drawers. She finally took out a small neckles, a purple stone hung at the tip. It was a diamond shape, it illuminated perfectly with the street lamps outside her bedroom window. Small flecks flew out of the crystal, barely visible. She walked to me and put the crystal into my hand, the string hung loosly off from it. -Aunty always said that the loved ones inside will help anyone who wears it.-

My mum gave this to her? She continued, - She gave this to me before I had to go. She told me to give this to you when you'll have to leave for a journey. I think that it is now what she ment.-

I looked at the crystal and back at Bella dumbstruck. My mum.... The closest person to me, have forseen this... Did she also forsaw what would happen to me? I always knew she could somehow tell the future through her dreams, but it was usually every day tasks and stuff like that. But I would never think she would know that. Or did she just guess?

I was interrupted by knocking on the door, a male voice outside, -Bella is everything ok? I hear voices.-

-Go.- she whispered and jumped towards her window and slid the panes open for me to pass through. I kissed her forehead again, grabbed my stuff and nodded as a goodbye then slid out the window and clung onto the windowsill, my legs dandling down. I heard the window close behind and her voices came from withing. She was probably talking with her father.

I sighed. The goodbye was marked off the list, now to get out safely and onto the north-east road.

I swung myself onto a lower building and ran as fast as I could through the village until I reached the northern wall. There I concentrated hard and teleported outside the village's wall and continued on my journey to Notch knows where.



OMG BELLA NUUUU! She gon have nightmares, her coudin leaving for an udventure that could kill him in its traps.

The crystal.... Hmmm... I wonder what it could do....

Anyways! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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DJ out!

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