Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Let the fight begin

<<< Daniel's POV >>>

I took a step forward taking a deep breath.

All went silent for the next few minutes, our breathing only heard, both waiting for the other one's move.

But this wasn't helping with my vision, he knew it well. He just wanting me to go blind before he strikes and kills me.

Shoot it, I'm going.

I took another step forward giving a slight pause to confuse him, bent my knees a little and tensed up my muscles. The I leaped at him, my sword held close to my body while in the air then swung it towards his heart when I got near.

He stepped aside, his foot in the way of where I was going to land.


I tripped over his foot and tumbled upside down, my sword sliding out of my grip and away.

I cursed, lying on my back confused of where was up and where was down.

Israphel laughed, - How pathetic! Have you ever even fought with a sword?-

My eye twitched. How dare he call me pathetic?! That's it!

I flipped back onto my feet again, spun around and shot my fist straight into his nose. He flew back into a tree breaking it down. He gasped in surprise. Oh boy, he's gonna be angry.

I could feel the power flow through my veins. What a wonderful feeling. I looked at my hands, pulsing with power. I scowled smirking. Oh that's right. I'm the new boss around here. I clenched my hands back into fists grinning at Israphel who hissed getting up from the rubble of the fallen tree.

He looked towards me and raced at me with unbelievable speed. He was there, and now he's-

I was pinned to a tree, my feet dandling in the air as he pulled me up by my neck to his eye level, choking. I didn't think he was so tall. He pressed me against the trunk, the sharp edges of the bark stabbing me in my back.

I grabbed his arm in attempt to break it. Nothing. He's arm was as hard as obsidian. I glanced over at my sword. Now or never.

I pulled my feet up and struck him in his stomach. He let go from the shock and I jumped towards my sword sliding on the ground and grasped the hilt just at the last second and swung it before me blocking his sword from cutting me in half.

I pushed my sword further at him advancing at first, but then I started to feel my energy being drained rapidly. Tiredness washed over me and I strained to keep my sword from blocking his.

- Awww. Is the Briney feeling tired?- he chuckled with a smirk.

- No, no, no, no, NO!!!- I replied with hope in my words. I'm not dying. Not yet.

I slowy stood back up onto my feet, got nearer to him, our chests nearly touching the swords. I smirked and headbutted him.

He stumbled back startled.

I leaped back at him lashing my sword at his ribs.


His sword clashed back at mine, but it soon slipped past its edge and cut into my triceps. I growled and stomped on his foot. Twisting my sword back I flung his sword up and away. It clanged as it skidded across the ground.

Israphel looked back at his sword then smashed his fist into my stomach, hard, elbowed my head down then snapped my own sword from my grasp and swung it down at my back.

I gasped, eyes held wide open and looked down, the tip of my sword coming straight through my body, black blood dripping from its tip.

I held my breath, the pain killing everything that was around me. I couldn't think, see or hear anything but concentrate on the pain and the view of the slowly dripping blood.

I collapsed to my knees, black spots appeared in my vision and a thick liquid filled my mouth.

I fell to my knees, shaking from fear and blacked out. His demonic laugh ringing in my ears.

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