Chapter 1

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NOTE: This is a fan made version of Herobrine's story. It is not based on real stories.

Chapter 1: Arrow to the heart.

I ran through the shadows of the birch wood forest manoeuvring between trees. My feet slid across the mildew-covered grass, a squishy noise following after from the soggy earth. It was raining not long ago. The moon was hidden behind the tree tops, it's beams of light peaking between gaps in leaf cultures. The sky was pitch black with no stars to light the way to safety. A few lighter clouds could be spotted here and there, only thanks to the moon.

Cold sweat slid down my forehead and into my eyes making my vision limited. My legs and lungs screamed at me to stop, to take a breather, a second to regain energy. But I couldn't stop, he was behind me; he, the one who killed my family and hunted me since. It was my turn to perish. Why you may ask? That is unknown to me, other than that he wanted my family dead for some reason. Sinister if you ask me.

After running for what seemed like eternity, the footsteps behind me that were once there ceased. I ran for another yard or two then stopped panting for breath, shaking from fear. I turned around to see if he was gone, but as soon as I caught a glimpse of him, 30 blocks away, a burning sensation entered my chest . The impact threw me back into a nearby tree. All air escaped my lungs from the collision and I fell down heaving for oxygen. I felt my back aching, most likely from splinters that bit me from the wood.

I dragged myself away from the tree and examined my chest to locate the source of the throbbing pain. An arrow was there. Stuck in my flesh like it belonged there. I yelled out hoping that someone would hear my agony; but to no avail, I knew I was alone- alone with this monster.- The wound burned and ached like a thousand needles were being sunk into my veins. The pain spread over my body, another scream. Blood oozed out in streams from the sides of the sunken wood of the arrow; there was most likely bleeding inside as well. I fell onto back unable to support my posture anymore and then with the left-over of my strenght, I grabbed the arrow and pulled it out on the count of three. The arrow ripped out of my skin and flesh with a sick sound of muscle being ripped out. A sound of blood losing bubbles of air like a thick goo substance would. I yelled biting my lip until it bled. The thick metallic liquid running down my throat. I coughed not letting the blood travel anymore down my throat.

The pain still spread.

I glanced at the flint; green and red, sharp as a diamond sword. My eyes widened from realisation that the arrow was most likely poisoned. It most likely was a strange drug or poison as my heart still didn't stop even though the arrow sunk so close to my heart. I arched my body backwards as the pain pulsed through my veins. I yowled in agony as every artery burned like liquid fire was being pumped through my body. Suddenly my muscles flinched denying my commands. An unbareable pain erupted from my chest, much worse than before. It raced towards my heart. It felt like it anyways. Like someone began pouring melted metal through the aorta. It slowly advanced to its destination.

I looked up and saw a dark figure over me. I blinked a couple of times still in agony until my eyes focused onto the features of the person. To my dismay, it was him. His as pale face as snow, deep bloody red eyes like those of a forest fire slowly butning away my soul. They sent shivers down my spine. He wore a black tuxedo embroidered with sparkling golden thread along the buttons which were pure white. His muscles clearly seen through the meterial. Large and strong, they looked like he could bare any pain if inflicted upon.

I lay there panting, my body unmoving. Less and less air entered my lungs every bloody second that passed. I stared into his hypnotising eyes, searching for an explanation, for any pity. Instead, I received dread, fury and hate in return. But it also seemed like the man felt something towards me, maybe friendship? Why would he like me? Why should I like him? He murdered my family! Everyone that I loved! Gone! All gone! There is no time for friendship. There would not be such thing. Ever.

Black patches spotted my vision and devoured everything in sight. My sight begin to slowly fade away, darkening everything that surrounded me. Including the man. But before I passed out, or died, I could make out his last words as cold as ice, "Welcome to your new life." He hissed. Then I heard footsteps that soon vanished as I entered into the void of darkness.

"Whatever you have done, whatever it was, you will pay with your own life. I will find you. I will find you and kill you, in afterlife or reality. You will be dead, Israphel!" I swore to myself at the last moment of being concious, then nothing mattered. No sound, no thought, not touch, no vision, no nothing. Just the void of shadows. The shadows of my wrath.

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