Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Fire and Storm

The trees swayed back and forth with the force of the wind like ballerinas dancing to an intense ballade. The wind howled to the tune and thunder pounded the beats. The whole sky covered in black, even though it was day the world seemed to be enveloped by a never ending night, only sometimes a streak of light lighted up the surrounding areas, threatening to hit anyone and anything in its way. A thick fog began to descend down the far mountains covered the land in a thick cold steam bath. And in the foggy distance a silhouette towered above anything else. When looked upon closely it morphed into a simple tower that could crumble into a thousand piece if even touched. It swayed to the melancholy music of the weather Gods and returned its own grunts and moans. The tower surrounded by a forest, disappearing mountains in the distance and a lightning beam above just bright enough to light up the borders of the whole delicate structure.

Horses halted to a stop- though nowhere to be seen now- the carriage abruptly stopped throwing me off my balance. I was standing at the window staring at the obscure and almost terrifying picture the weather was painting outside. I grasped onto the table beside me to catch me from falling but once again the carriage sways to the side in a complete stop and the motion sent my flying along with the table. The others seemed to be in as much trouble as myself holding the balance.

The king struggled yo his feet, bones clanking against each other with his motion, "This damned carriages need to be replaces. Old pieces of junk." He grumbled under his breath, even if he didn't have any. I agreed, the wooden thing seemed to be able to fall apart with one swiped with the fist. Oh Noth.

Once more looking out the window I returned my attention to equipping what was needed. I fixed the chain armour I was given (only a chest plate and helmet. The other would slow me down more than needed to) and buckled my heavy diamond sword onto the belt. The weight of the items didn't give me too much difficulty to carry around, I was much more concerned about swinging my sword, the chest plate was a little too tight for me. I took a deep breath and unlocked the door, "Let's do it then." I said with a fake smile, positivity was the last thing that could save me, although I knew this was a certain death."

I jumped out of the caravan and the cold hit me immeditaely. I shivered. I did not anticipated it would be that cold. Moving the cold aside and strode forward rubbing my arms off each other in a tight hug. The others followed suit, only the King hadn't been phased at all; and no wonder why. We filed closely to the half crippled tower, like huddled penguins under a blizzard storm. Everyone stared up and around, there was nothing here. I heard the old skelly arguing with one of his generals; most likely about the location. I shrugged it off and kept my focus on the structure. Without any further thought i began circling it. There wasn't much to it. Moss and vines covered the structure, a few parts of the walls were blown off, pieces of sticks and rotting wood where both inside and sticking out from the stones. There was no way in though, maybe it collapsed. It did look like it was a thousand years old. What was the purpose of this here? Was this the destination?

My head began to throb from the piling questions. There was no way I could answer them, nor anyone else. This was all peculiar to everyone.

I returned to the group of mobs and approached the King interrupting his argument, "Is this supposed to be the place?" I asked feeling slightly annoyed. How could this be Israphel's base? Castle? Kingdom? Whatever it was supposed to be, it did not looked like it.

The King turned to me with a slightly angry expression for interrupting here. I returned a cold stare, I did not feel the urge to argue any further. "According to the coordinates we acquired, yes." He replied with a croaked voice from screaming over his mate.

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