Chapter 6

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Hello there ppls, it hs been quite a long time since I wrote the next chapter xD Well I'm sorry ;-; but I had a few things to do first :P

So now that school has ended let's get on with it!

This chapter I dedicate to @dantona AKA smile2650 from DrawCast, an aweshum friend that motivated me to write up this wayfaster xD if not her, this chapter wouldnt exist -3- SO THANK YOU!


Chapter 6: Unexpected Visitor

It is midnight now. I have returned back to the small opening ater another unsuccessul training. This time, I took the book from the first Brine with me.

So because it will take some time before I master the teleportation skill, I decided to read the next chapter, " Telepathy". Sounds good enough and it isn't too long like the previous chapter. I wonder what it could be.


I was reading for about two hours and ws about to finish the last page when Fadom emerged from the trees and csalled for me to eturn to my training once again. I packed the book in my pocket and walked off twads the training area with him.

He walked about 30 blocks from me as usual and I stayed at the spot I am assigned.

- Come on! I'm waiting!- Fadom called out folding his ony arms waiting for me.

I closed me eyes and imagined myself standing right beside Fadom. The image was hard to picture but it finally built up to a recognisable place. WIth what I had, I reached for my inner power and used it directly to teleport. All of a sudden, a feeling of wariness overwhelmed me and I could feel myself sway. I kept my eyes closed until I felt a tap on my shoulders. I popped my eyes wide open and nealy lost balance.

I looked around to see Fadom hold me by the shoulders to avoid me falling flat on my face.

- Good job.- he said ushering me to sit down. I did as he gestured and I put my head in my hands looking at the ground, waiting for the world to stop spinning. - You use too much energy for this this. Take less energy for teleporting and save the rest for other things.-

- I know, I know...-

- Great. You're improving. Try to teleport instead of walking now, it'll strenghten you.- he said and walked off towards the cave. - That's it for today, feel free to do anything.-

I stayed on the ground for the next few minutes letting the world settle in one place, then I got up and walked into the depths of the 'cursed' forest. I was thinking about my new abilities, it'll take time to master them all for sure, but how long? I'm different than all the other Brines... They were who they were from the start, not from the middle like me. I'm barely sixtheen years and now I have to face the world all alone. Hated by every human and every peaceful mob, just the monster are not scared... or are they?

All this thinking gave me a headache, so I stopped and leaned on a tree looking sheepishly at my suroundings. The place seemed somewhat familiar.

Then I realised that this is where the soldiers attacked me. The pond was there and the foul smell of dry blood in the air. But the bodie were gone, no sign of them.The sight gave me shiveres but I made my way towards the pond and once again, stared into my deep glowing whhite eyes. They were frightening indeed, they made me a monster of peoples minds. I'm not hostile, what was the saying? Don't judge the book by its cover, that's it. A perfect reference to my situation.

I got bored looking at my election after some time, so I dipped my finger into the water making it sway and blurr the image. At that moment, a wild idea hit me. The new chapter i read, it could come to a use right now.

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