Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Final Countdown

He continued laughing, most likely at the look on all our faces. A distorted laugh, like from a beastified hyena, two at once to be exact, but much more deeper. He twirled his body towards me, almost like he had no skeleton underneath. His skin seemed to melt but at the same time it was quite solid. I cringed in disgust.

I felt fear like no never before. How could anyone do something like that to themselves. I was just a mild case, but him? Horrible.

My heart pounded in my chest, and stopped when he locked his eyes on mine and spoke like a real demon, "Cat got your tongue, Daniel?" He cackled, spit flying in my direction. The three black tentacles (which were still covered in his fresh blood) tensed and pointed in my direction, the tips as sharp as knives.

The cat did get my tongue. I had no words for this utter madness. Madness! He was mad, insane, and all the other things you could possibly mention.

I backed up, but he only took in my steps. "Is that fear that I smell, Daniel? Is it?" He asked and laughed. One of the tentacles swung towards my speed too fast for even my eye to catch. The ground turned sideays and I hit my back against the cold, glass covered floor as the tentacle tripped me backwards. The shards pricking into my skin. But even with the pain I rushed to my feet and grasped the hilt of my diamond sword tighter. This guy had to be stopped.

My hands trembled, I don't deny it, and Israphel clearly picked up on that. He straightened his posture from being hunched over, and lowered his shadowy tentacles. "Your head is as hard as steel." Israphel teased in an annoyed voice.

I remained silent. Were words really need to be spoken in this moment? I glanced towards Veronica and the skeleton. They both were as distressed- the king maybe a little less. Nobody dared to move a muscle.

"Daniel tell me, how's it that you've become a beast in just a few months?" he cocked his head, a mad grin sprawled across his face.

I narrowed my eyes, "I'm not the beast here." I muttered back tensing into a fighting stance. I raised my sword and flashed its glint towards the gory mess. The light from the last few lamps that still remained intact reflecting upon the shiny blade. It had only one enchantment, knock back II. Not much but nobody but me knew about it.

"You've killed, want revenge, and you look like an animal. You're no better than me." he smirked.

"Daniel that's not true-" the King began but got interrupted by Isrpahel swinging a tentacle at him. The skeleton went flying to the other side of the room. He hit the wall hard and fell behind a counter.

"Shut up! Old bones."

I watched as he fell like a ragged doll. My eyes darted towards Isrpahel again. He was right. I was no better than him. I was a beast too. Rage boiled up inside me. But it was directed towards me this time. I hated myself. I didn't realize before. I was just like him.

The demon chuckled, "Yes, my friend! We have a lot in common."

My eyes dropped. I screamed at myself in my head. I was like him. There's no point. It'd be better off if I died right here and now. I gritted my teeth.

No! That wasn't true. What am I thinking? How could I think that? But it's true.... I changed. A lot. No stop! Stop stop stop stop.

I battle in my head. Those thoughts couldn't be mine. Yet how do I deny when my heart says otherwise?

I felt power grow from my rage as I grasped and shook my head. Then I bawled my hands into fists and I lowered the diamond sword. "Shut up." I managed a whisper through clenched teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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