CHAPTER VI- The Old Kid Killer

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"I'm sorry you felt so uncomfortable," CJ said, kissing Pyrus' head. They were sitting on CJ's bed next to each other with Pyrus resting his head on CJ's shoulder.

"It's not your fault," Pyrus said. "I just don't know how to act around him. I'm not going to act like nothing happened, but..."

"I think you should tell Andy," CJ said. "She deserves to know."

"I don't want her to hate him any more than she does."

"Py, you are never going to get over it if you don't face it."

"Can we talk about something else?" Pyrus snuggled closer to CJ's side. CJ put his arm around him, comforting him.

"Okay," CJ said. "Let's talk about something we won't fight over: politics."

"Good idea."

"Good thing we're both a part of the Green Party."

They talked about good old politics for a good amount of time until Pyrus made the conversation serious again.

"I've been thinking about it and I've decided that I want to tell Andy and Walter about us."

"Okay. Whenever you are ready." They returned to their conversation about politics. World War 1 and 3/4 was a fun topic.


"Hey Tamber," Andy said.

"What's up? What to watch a documentary on mudskippers?" Tamber asked.

"You know it!"

They proceeded to binge-watch a series of documentaries, each with worse camera work than the prior. After this, they decided to make their own documentary. They walked into the Andy Sack, a potato sack Andy loved to hang out in making art, trying to decide what to make it on.

"So... documentaries. What should it be about? How crayons are linked to cancer?" Tamber asked.

"Wait, crayons are linked to cancer?" Andy questioned, shocked. As an infant, she loved to eat crayons as well as stick them in her ear.

"Nah. But it doesn't need to be true, doesn't? It can be a Mockumentary." Tamber stated.

Andy sighed with relief. She'd live to see another day.

"Nah. I don't want to particularly," Andy said.

"How about bocce ball? Duffy plays that, right?" Tamber asked.

"Yeah, but I heard she didn't make it. Apparently the captain of the team is of part of the Sexism Fandom."

Tamber sighed. She hated Fandoms, but nothing did she hate more than Fanfiction. A bunch of creepy people ducked around a computer writing their own freaky versions of characters other people made up? No thank you. She prayed that for as long as she lived, she would never be a part of Fanfiction.

"I don't really care about what we do. As long as we do it together, Andy."

Andy giggled. Tamber was always so nice to her.  The truth was, she wanted to spend time with Tamber doing stupid stuff, but she couldn't get her mind off of Jona. Had he really accused her of murdering some kid? She was mad at him, but she would never go that far...

But then again, what if it happened to her? What would she think? Would she accuse him? She realized right then and there she had no right to be mad at Jona. After all, there must be nothing fun about having a severed head show up at your doorstep, and it would probably make him think irrationally. She was the one wrong, not him.

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