CHAPTER V- Confused Feelings

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Jona sat on his front step while the police put the head in a sandwich Zip-Lock bag.

"Are you sure you have no idea who put this on your front step?" the cop asked Jona while scribbling down notes on his pad.

"I already told you, Johnny Law!" cried out Jona (he wasn't being rude; the cop was actually named Jonathan Law. His parents did not think it through). "After my friend Party left, I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and found a mysterious box. At first I assumed it was drugs, but it turned out to be some kid's severed head!"

"Don't sweat it, kid," said Johnathan, closing his notebook shut. "We see these things all the time." He got back into his car, and began to drive away. He forgot to take the car out of reverse, and crashed into the other cop car behind it.

"What great men, putting their life on line," said Jona to himself. At that moment, Walter came skateboarding down the block on his tricycle.

"How's it hanging, Jona?" he asked, slowing down his Big-Wheeler with his left foot.

"Not good," responded Jona, kicking a rock with his foot. "I found a dead kid's head in a box. "

"Rad!" exclaimed Walter. He parked his tricycle next to the cop cars, which were now in Neutral and were rolling down the block backwards. "Like my new ride?"

"Yeah," said Jona. "It's really cool."

Walter walked over to Jona. "If anything's wrong, bro, you know can talk to me, right?"

Jona smiled. He was lucky to have such a great friend. "Actually, yeah, There is something I wanted to talk to you ab-"

"I gotta go," said Walter, and got back onto the Big Wheeler. "See you later." He pedaled away at full speed, which amounted to about 8 miles per hour. It was a tricycle.

Jona waved goodbye, wishing he could've talked to Walter. Talked to him about how he really felt...

He shook away the feeling and walked back inside, closing the door behind him.


Andy, Pyrus, and Walter where sitting in the Spork. Walter filled them in on the events of yesterday.

"Why were there cops in front of his house?" Andy asked Walter. Pyrus wasn't paying attention since he really did not give two socks about Jona's well-being. Or any other kind of fashionable footwear.

"I don't know," Walter told Andy.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean that I didn't ask?"

"Why wouldn't you ask?"

"Why do you care? I thought you didn't care about Jona anymore?"

Andy sighed. Just because they were broken up doesn't mean she doesn't care. She just was mad at him. It would probably blow over. While Andy was thinking, Jona burst into the Spork and went straight to there table.

"I've been thinking about this all night and I've come to the conclusion that only you would put that head on my door step!" Jona declared. Andy looked at him with bewilderment.

"What is wrong with you!" She yelled, standing up. "I would never do that!"

"Of course you would!" Jona reasoned. "You were mad that I cheated and did what any rational person would do: you killed a child and left their head on my door step to get back at me!" Andy slapped him across the face.

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