Chapter 27 A Night on the Boardwalk

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Hey Guys! Author back again.

It's taking me a bit longer to get these out then I should. Or am I just rushing myself?

What do you guys prefer?

A. More chapters coming out, but they are shorter

B. Higher quality chapters, but they take longer to come out.

I don't want you guys to lose interest in this story because I've worked so hard on it and you guys have enjoyed it so far, but I also want to do high-quality work for you guys.

So, just comment on what you guys would like.

Anyway, gonna skip the recap and get straight to it.

So, without further adieu, let's get to it!


Y/n POV...

I wake up the next morning with Endless still over me. She is snuggled into my chest and lightly snoring. I smile to myself and just lay there for a few extra seconds. I hear my phone go off and reach over to answer.


"Hey Y/n. It's Cassie." I hear on the other end.

"Oh, hey Cassie. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just wondering if you had to do anything today."

"Not much. My schedule is pretty much open. You had something in mind?"

There is silence for a few minutes as if Cassie was trying to make up her mind. Or just needing to summon the courage to say it.

"Y/n, would you like to go on a date with me?" She asks.

"Sure thing. When and where should I pick you up?"

"Just meet me at the Watch Tower around five o'clock. We'll go from there."

I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Gotcha. Five o'clock at the Watch Tower. See you then."

"See ya, Y/n."

We hang up and I turn my attention back to Endless, who is now starting to wake up. She rubs her eyes and looks at me.

"Good morning, Y/n."

"Good morning Endless. It's been a while since we did this," I say.

"Yeah. I remember when you were little, how I used to get you to sleep when you had trouble."

"Yeah. You were a big help to me then." I gently move some of her hair behind her ear.

"You're welcome." She kisses my forehead.

"Well, is there anything you wanna do today? I don't have anything to do until about four o'clock."

"Four? What are you doing at four?"

"Cassie has asked me out on a date. I'll need to take a shower and be there early."

"Ah. Ok." She smiles and thinks. "Hmm. How about we play some video games?"

"Sound good to me." I smile back and get out my Xbox.

We play a plethora of games. Anything ranging from COD to the original Star Wars Battlefront 2. At about four, I put up my controller and head for the shower. I take a longer shower than usual and make sure to put on deodorant and my cologne. I put on a t-shirt, jeans, and a jacket. I stretch a bit and check my time. It's about 4:30, so I head up to Watch Tower to wait for Cassie.

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