Chapter 2 Bank Robbery

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Hey everyone, I'm back again. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the story. Just a little recap, we met you, figured out not many people at school like you, and you comforted Harley Quinn. We were also discovered by Batman (Bruce Wayne.)

Ok. So, let's get right to it.


Your POV

I wake up on Saturday and stand to stretch.

"It's Saturday!" I exclaim out loud before falling back into my bed.

I don't feel like doing much today. I don't really have anything to do either so I just lay in bed for a minute more.

'Ok, maybe I should get some exercise in today. Need to keep in shape.' I think.

I get up and stretch again. Heading to my dresser, I grab a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt. I throw on my shoes and make a quick breakfast of three sausage patties. I check the weather really quick and grab my phone and a pair of headphones for my jog.

I lock up my apartment before I go and head out of the complex. I about a block from the complex before I run into Harley Quinn and a few other girls I can reorganize. They are Catwoman and Poison Ivy.

Harley turns to see me and waves, "Hey, uh.. I didn't catch your name." 'I was hoping to see you again.'

"Names Y/n." I say and wave walking up to them.

"That's a nice name." Harley says, "These are my friends: Catwoman and Poison Ivy." 'We are at a point in this relationship were you get to meet my friends.'

I wave over to them and they wave back.

"Well isn't he cute?" Poison Ivy says, walking closer to me, "You're the one who comforted Harley after what happened with the Joker?"

"Red!" Harley says with a tinge of pink in her cheeks.

'Y/n knows them?'

'Who was that?' I think. "Yeah. Well, I was raised to be kind."

"Really?" Harley looks at me.

"Yeah. I grew up in a small town before moving here so, that's just how I was taught." I smile at her.

"Oh, that's nice." Harley blushes and looks down a bit.

'I better see who is following me.' I think.

"Well, I better get going. I'm going on a jog to stay in shape." I say.

"Ok." Harley says, "See ya 'round. We have some business to attend to." 'We are going to rob a bank.'

'Oh boy.' "Have fun." I wave and start off.

I glance back to see a black car. It moves whenever I move. I decide to kinda ignore it and put on my headphones. I start up some music and start my jog.

'Come on Y/n. Show us what you can do.'

'He is just a kid like me.'

'I'm bored.'

I jog past a shop window and something catches my eye. It's a new card pack of heroes. I have almost all of them and this pack had a chance to get a super rare card. I stand there like a child looking into the window of a big toy store. I check to make sure I have my wallet and head into the store. I buy two packs to double my chances.

I get back outside and am about to open one of the packs when I see a kid who looks as star struck as I did. I look at the second pack I had, then decided I didn't need it.

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