Chapter 1 Just a Normal Day in Gotham

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Hey guys! It's me again. Here with the first real chapter of this story. Think of it as our story since this is a self insert. Hope that you guys enjoy!

Now, without further Adieu, let us start this journey.



I wake up in the morning and I can already tell today is going to be a good day. I stretch up out of my bed and smile. I look around my room a bit. The first thing that catches my eye is my poster of Batman vs the Joker. I've always wanted to be a hero like him and Superman and the rest of the Justice League.

I had the chance to be a hero once, just not the kind of hero I wanted to be.

I shake my head and get that thought out of it. I'm not going to let that ruin my good day. I quickly run through the shower and throw on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a black leather jacket before heading into the kitchen/family room and pop two sides of a bagel into the toaster. I grabbed my tv remote and turned on the tv. The news was covering how Batman had once again beat the Joker and put him in prison.

Oh yeah, did I mention I live in Gotham city? I live in a small apartment, alone unfortunately. My whole family had been taken away during...

No! Nothing is ruining my day! Optimism for the win!

The bagels pop out of the toaster and I grab a plate to plop them on. I spread some Nutella (mm Nutella) on the bagel and take a bite out of it. I check the clock and see it's about time to head for school. I grab my backpack and toss it over my shoulder, turn off the tv and head for the door.

Just before leaving my small Gotham apartment and look back at it before smiling and heading through the door.

I head down the streets of Gotham and take a glance around at my surroundings. It's kinda dark for morning but that is because of all the skyscrapers. I happily walk among other citizens of Gotham.

If you didn't know any better, you'd say I was just a normal everyday kid that always shows a smile. But, I'm far from normal.

I head down an alley that makes my trip to the school a little faster. That's when I hear a voice. Not audibly, but mentally. Yeah, I'll go with mentally.

'There he is.' The voice says, 'going to make a fool of him this time.'

'Oh brother.' I think.

I put my foot around the corner then immediately pull it back and a boy comes rushing forward from around the corner. He harmlessly misses me and runs right into the wall.

"Nice try Sid." I say.

'How the hell did he know I was coming?' Sid thinks.

I start back on my merry little way, but, once again, Sid tries to shove me on my face. I side step him and watch as he falls face first to the ground. I stop and turn, offering a hand to help him up.

"Need a hand there Sid?" I say, looking at him.

"Not from a loser like you." He says getting up on his own.

"Suit yourself." I say turning away and continuing my walk to school.

Sid is one of the want-to-be bullies at school. Everyone at my school has been trying to push me around ever since I showed for the first day of school. I haven't given any of them the time of day to even really try.

I hear footsteps from behind and glance back. Sid is giving it one last try. He has made a fist with one hand, but I can already tell where he is going. He is trying to get me to dodge again so I don't notice his leg so he can trip me. I turn to face him and grab his fist has he tries to swing. He stops cold.

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