Chapter 17 On a Mid January's Night

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Hey Guys! Author here again! time to keep going with this story.

Recently decided to check the stats on this story and noticed a few things. One: we are currently over 8K total views! Two, This story is read on almost ever continent the world has!

I never dreamed this story would be read this much. And I have you guys to thank!

From me to you, Thank you!

Anyway, onto the recap.

Last time, you held a little New Years party in your apartment. You had all your girlfriends over and introduced them to Death of the Endless, who was officially brought into the harem. Evie came to the party like she promised she would and you brought her into the harem too. You kissed her at midnight. Pretty much, last one was a harem building chapter.

Now, without further adieu, let's get to this chapter!


Your POV

I wake up the next morning and immediately realize that something is different.

I'm not alone in my bed....

I open my eyes to see Kara, still fast asleep, laying on top of me. But she isn't the only one. Barbra has a hold of one of my arms. She is also fast asleep.

I probably should have figured something like this would happen, since I went to bed and never really told the girls they couldn't stay over. I didn't mind it. They were both comfy, I was comfy, and I didn't have to get up just yet. I didn't see a problem with letting them sleep for a bit longer.

I wait for them to wake up. I'm not sure how long exactly it takes, but it's safe to say it was probably a good ten to twenty minutes. And it's Kara who wakes up first.

She starts to stir a little before she eyes slowly come open. I greet her with a smile.

"Good morning Beautiful." I whisper as I kiss her forehead.

She smiles and murmurs a sleepy, "Good morning."

She then lays her head on my chest and snuggles into me. She moves her arms around my neck and just loosely hangs on. I smile to myself and wrap my free arm around her waist. She looks up at me and smiles sweetly. I smile back and hold her close.

"You have fun last night?" I ask.

"Yeah. It was fun." Kara says, a little more awake now.

"That's good to hear." I say, "What happened after I went to sleep?"

"Mostly we just talked." She says.

"What'd ya talk about?" I ask, curious.

"Oh. Stuff." She says with a smirk.

"What kinda stuff?" I ask.

"Oh. Just girl talk." She says, seductively.

"Ok. Now you have me really curious." I playfully glare at her.

"Guess you'll just have to wait until your birthday to find out. It's a big surprise." She playfully nuzzles my neck. 

I smirk and decide to tease her.

"Some one must be feeling a little kinky today." I whisper into her ear.

Her face turns a bright red, but instead of stopping like I expect her to, she starts kissing my neck and whispers back, "It's all your fault you know."

My face goes a little hot and I look down a bit, "Gee, gonna blame that all on me, huh?"

"Well, it's mostly your fault." Kara says seductively. 

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