Chapter 14 A Past Best Left Forgotten

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Hey guys! Author back here, once again! Been shifting back and forth between this story and my other one, but know we are back to this! You guys are loving the crap out of this story and I'm glad I can provide a form of entertainment.

Anyway, enough babbling, on to the recap.

You had a fight to near death with your old enemy, the Fox. You barely escaped with your life. You save Wonder Woman from a knife that was thrown at her and she got you to Watchtower so you didn't die. You saw most of your harem after you woke up and then Clark (Superman) and Bruce (Batman) asked about your powers and you were about to start your story.

Just so you know, this chapter will have a lot of skipping back and forth in time.

Now, without further adieu, let's get to it!


Your POV

"Y/n? You coming or what?"

It's been so long since I have really tried to remember. Remember the past. Remember when I was just a little kid. Sometimes I find it amazing I can still remember those times after trying to suppress them, but I do.

"Sorry guys. I said I'd be home before lunch. See ya tomorrow!"

Hard to believe it's only been about six years to the date since that day.

I was ten when I figured out about my powers. I was just coming back from my friends house after hanging out for a while. I had promised my mom that I would be home before lunch and, not wanting to get in trouble, I was determined to do so. I also, as any other ten year old thinks, thought I was invincible.

I rode my bike as fast as I could toward my home on the south side of the small town I grew up in. There was a highway that went through town it separated the north side of town and the south side. It wasn't that big, so it only took about a minute and a half to cross.

That is where I found out I had my powers.

I was just about to cross the road when my shoelace came undone. I was riding so fast that I didn't notice it until it was too late. There were a few cars passing by on the highway. The roads are usually devoid of car, especially during the winter. Black ice would sometimes cover the road and it was so cold that year that the ice hadn't been allowed to melt, even when the sun was out and the salt was down.

My shoelace got caught up in my bike's chain and I started to fall. I would have been just fine, if at the side time, a car hadn't hit a patch of black ice and started to swerve out of control. My heart was racing, my life flashing before my eyes.

Then it happened.

Just before the car rammed into my side, most likely to send me to my inevitable demise, my powers kicked on instinctively. I teleported to the safety of the other side of the street. I looked back at the car, that had just regained control and was starting to pull over. Nothing was damaged, no one was hurt. I was just in utter shock.

I was scared. I quickly fixed my shoelace and went home as fast as my bike would let me. When, I got there, I went straight to my room, closed my door and laid back on my bed. I stared at my ceiling and trying to make a logical ten year old assumption to what happened.

"Hey there Y/n."

That is when Death of the Endless showed up.

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